Electronics Entertainment Expo 2000
By Jeff 'Koganuts' KogaPosted at July 7, 2000 - 11:51 PM GMT
E3 2000: 5/11 & 5/12/00 in Los Angeles, California
As far as 'Star Trek' games go, since this is after all, a 'Trek' games report, last year, Activision showcased 'Star Trek: Hidden Evil,' 'Star Trek: Armada,' and 'Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force,' while Simon & Schuster showcased, among others, 'Star Trek Deep Space Nine: The Fallen.' S&S even had Nicole deBoer (Ezri Dax) on-hand to promote 'The Fallen,' which is ironic considering the fact that the game supposedly takes place between the sixth and seventh seasons, and Ezri Dax didn't appear on 'DS9' until the seventh season. [grin]
Quibbles aside, this year, Activision showcased 'Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force,' 'Star Trek: Away Team,' 'Star Trek: Bridge Commander,' and 'Star Trek: Invasion.' Meanwhile, Simon & Schuster showcased 'Star Trek Deep Space Nine: The Fallen,' 'Star Trek Deep Space Nine: Dominion Wars,' and 'Star Trek: Starship Creator Warp 2.' And while Activision had Kate Mulgrew (Kathryn Janeway) on-hand to promote 'Elite Force,' Simon & Schuster had Nana Visitor (Kira Nerys) to promote 'The Fallen.'
By the way, I need to apologize to those of you who've been eagerly anticipating and awaiting this report with baited breath. I appreciate your patience and understanding while I've unfortunately had to deal with some pressing and stressful issues.
Now then, as Terry Farrell is fond of saying, "Onward and upward!"
- An interview with Activision Associate Producer Steve Elwell
- An interview with Raven Software Character Modeler / Animator Rob Gee
- A report of the appearance by 'Voyager' star Kate Mulgrew
- An interview with Ion Hardie (Director of Product Development @ Reflexive Entertainment)
- An interview with David Litwin (Project Lead @ Totally Games.
- An interview with Mike Webster (Associate Brand Manager @ Activision)
- An interview with Nick Parde (Level Designer @ The Collective)
- An interview with Simon Hallam (Senior Lead Programmer @ The Collective)
- A report of the appearance by 'Deep Space Nine' star Nana Visitor.
- An interview with Gill Friedman II (Beta-Tester).
Find more episode info in the Episode Guide.
Jeff 'Koganuts' Koga is a regular contributor to the Trek Nation, as well as webmaster of unofficial fan sites for John Woo, Chow Yun-Fat, and Garrett Wang.