Paramount+ has released the opening credits (and with them, the theme) to the upcoming series, Star Trek: Prodigy. The announcement was...
Star Trek: Prodigy
Star Trek's animated adventures seem to be heavily indulging in nostalgia, given what we have seen already from Star Trek: Lower...
Today was the day that Comic-Con@Home 2021 presented the Star Trek: Prodigy panel. In attendance was Jerry O'Connell (Boimler on...
Today at the virtual Comic-Con@home event, two panels for Star Trek: Prodigy and Star Trek: Lower Decks took place. (More...
Today, Paramount + released four new photos showing scenes from Star Trek: Prodigy. The photos show alien landscapes and two...
Today, Paramount + provided details and photos about the characters that will be seen on Star Trek: Prodigy, as well...
CTV has announced their new series for the 2021/2022 series and included will be two new Star Trek shows, which...
In several interviews promoting Kate Mulgrew's series Mr. Mercedes, the actress revealed how she meets the kids that form the...
In other First Contact Day news, a bit of information about Star Trek: Prodigy, the animated series for children, has...
Dan and Kevin Hageman, creators of Star Trek: Prodigy, have signed an exclusive multi-year overall deal with CBS Studios. The...
ViacomCBS has announced that Star Trek: Prodigy will be premiering on Paramount+ this year. Prodigy is the "first Star Trek...
The first season of Nickelodeon's Star Trek: Prodigy hasn't even aired yet, but Kate Mulgrew has revealed that she will...
Nami Melumad (Absentia, An American Pickle, Miss Arizona) will be scoring Nickelodeon's animated Star Trek: Prodigy. Melumad is the first...
In a press release from Nickelodeon and CBS Studios, it was announced that Kate Mulgrew will reprise her role of...
Ben Hibon will be directing and co-executive producing Nickelodeon's Star Trek: Prodigy series. Star Trek: Prodigy is about a "group...