Series: 'Deep Space Nine'
Episode Title: 'Visionary'
Episode Number: 317
Synopsis: "A temporal accident flings O'Brien into the near future, where he witnesses his own death and the destruction of the station. He is able to prevent the latter, but not the former, and must take his own place in the altered timeline."
Original Airdate: February 27, 1995
Story By: Ethan H. Calk
Teleplay By: John Shirley
Directed By: Reza Badiyi
Guest Stars:
- Jack Shearer as Ruwon
- Annette Helde as Karina
- Ray Young as Morka
- Bob Minor as Bo'rak
- Dennis Madalone as Atul
- Michelle Erica Green - The Trek Nation
- Tim Lynch - Review - 9.5/10
- Jamahl Epsicokhan - Star Trek: Hypertext - 3/4
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