Series: 'Deep Space Nine'
Episode Title: 'Rejoined'
Episode Number: 405
Synopsis: "Jadzia is torn between a Trill law prohibiting relationships with lovers from past incarnations, and her love for a woman who now hosts the symbiont which was joined with the wife of one of the Dax symbiont's previous hosts."
Original Airdate: October 30, 1995
Story By: Ren� Ech�varria
Teleplay By: Ronald D. Moore, Ren� Ech�varria
Directed By: Avery Brooks
Guest Stars:
- Susanna Thompson as Doctor Lenara Kahn
- Tim Ryan as Doctor Bejal Otner
- James Noah as Doctor Hanor Pren
- Kenneth Marshall as Lt. Commander Michael Eddington
- Michelle Erica Green - The Trek Nation
- Marc Richard - Fiver (Parody)
- Tim Lynch - Review - 9/10
- Jamahl Epsicokhan - Star Trek: Hypertext - 3/4
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- 'Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - The Complete Fourth Season' DVD -
- 'Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - The Complete Fourth Season' DVD -
- 'Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - The Complete Fourth Season' DVD -
- 'Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - The Complete Fourth Season' DVD -
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