The Offspring
Series: 'The Next Generation'
Episode Title: 'The Offspring'
Episode Number: 316
Synopsis: "Data creates an android daughter using his own neural network, but Starfleet wants to take custody of her."
Original Airdate: March 12, 1990
Written By: René Echévarria
Directed By: Jonathan Frakes
Guest Stars:
- Hallie Todd as Lal
- Nicolas Coster as Admiral Haftell
- Whoopi Goldberg as Guinan
- Judyann Elder as Lieutenant Ballard
- Diane Moser as Ten Forward Crew
- Hayne Bayle as Ten Forward Crew
- Maria Leone as Ten Forward Crew
- James G. Becker as Ten Forward Crew
- Leonard John Crowfoot as Neutral Hal
- This is the first Star Trek episode directed by Jonathan Frakes (the actor playing William T. Riker).
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