Face of the Enemy
Series: 'The Next Generation'
Episode Title: 'Face of the Enemy'
Episode Number: 614
Synopsis: "Kidnapped and forced to play the role of a Romulan operative, Troi must match wits against a wily Romulan captain as part of an elaborate defection scheme."
Original Airdate: February 08, 1993
Story By: Ren� Ech�varria
Teleplay By: Naren Shankar
Directed By: Gabrielle Beaumont
Guest Stars:
- Scott MacDonald as Sub-Commander N'Vek
- Carolyn Seymour as Commander Toreth
- Barry Lynch as Ensign Stefan Deseve
- Robertson Dean as Pilot of Khazara
- Pamela Winslow as Ensign McKnight
- Dennis Cockrum as Corvellan Captain
- Majel Barrett Roddenberry as Computer Voice
Can't get enough of 'Face of the Enemy?' Check out the following merchandise:
- 'Star Trek: The Next Generation - The Complete Sixth Season' DVD - Amazon.com
- 'Star Trek: The Next Generation - The Complete Sixth Season' DVD - Amazon.ca
- 'Star Trek: The Next Generation - The Complete Sixth Season' DVD - Amazon.co.uk
- 'Star Trek: The Next Generation - The Complete Sixth Season' DVD - Amazon.de