Shore Leave
Series: 'The Original Series'
Episode Title: 'Shore Leave'
Episode Number: 118
Synopsis: "The crew takes shore leave on an idyllic planet, but when people's fantasies begin to come true - deadly as well as benign - Kirk must evade his own demons to solve the mystery."
Original Airdate: December 29, 1966
Written By: Theodore Sturgeon
Directed By: Robert Sparr
Guest Stars:
- Emily Banks as Yeoman Tonia Barrows
- Oliver McGowan as Caretaker
- Perry Lopez as Lieutenant Estaban Rodriguez
- Bruce Mars as Finnegan
- Barbara Baldavin as Angela
- Marcia Brown as Alice
- Peter Virgo, Jr. as Warrior
- Shirley Bonne as Ruth
- Jamahl Epsicokhan - Star Trek: Hypertext - 3/4
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