The Alternative Factor
Series: 'The Original Series'
Episode Title: 'The Alternative Factor'
Episode Number: 121
Synopsis: "The crew meets two nearly-identical men named Lazarus, one from their universe and one from an antimatter universe with the potential to destroy both universes should they come together. Kirk must work with the Lazarus not of his own universe to trap the other, a madman, in a void between the universes with his twin, thus keeping everyone else safe."
Original Airdate: March 30, 1967
Written By: Don Ingalis
Directed By: Gerd Oswald
Guest Stars:
- Robert Brown as Lazarus A and B
- Janet MacLachlan as Lieutenant Charlene Masters
- Richard Derr as Commodore Barstow
- Arch Whiting as Assistant Engineer
- Christian Patrick as Transporter Chief
- Meade Martin as Crewman
- Eddie Paskey as Lesley
- Derek Dean - Fiver (Parody)
- Jamahl Epsicokhan - Star Trek: Hypertext - 2/4
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