Blood Fever
Series: 'Voyager'
Episode Title: 'Blood Fever'
Episode Number: 316
Synopsis: "When Vulcan engineer Vorik tries to force Torres to mate with him, she contracts his blood fever and selects Tom Paris as the object of her desires. Unfortunately, the two are trapped together during an away mission before anyone figures out what's wrong with her."
Original Airdate: February 05, 1997
Written By: Lisa Klink
Directed By: Andrew Jordt Robinson
Guest Stars:
- Alexander Enberg as Ensign Vorik
- Bruce Bohne as Ishan
- Deborah Levin as Ensign Lang
- Michelle Erica Green - The Trek Nation
- Colin 'Zeke' Hayman - Fiver (Parody)
- Jim Wright - Delta Blues - 4/5
- Jamahl Epsicokhan - Star Trek: Hypertext - 3/4
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