Favorite Son
Series: 'Voyager'
Episode Title: 'Favorite Son'
Episode Number: 320
Synopsis: "Harry Kim is drawn to a world of beautiful women and few men who insist that he is a descendant of theirs, taken as a fetus across the galaxy to be implanted in his mother's womb. His mutating DNA appears to confirm this story until the Doctor realizes that it did not begin to change until they passed through a certain port."
Original Airdate: March 19, 1997
Written By: Lisa KLink
Directed By: Marvin V. Rush
Guest Stars:
- Cari Shayne as Eliann
- Deboray May as Lyris
- Patrick Fabian as Taymon
- Kelli Kirkland as Rinna
- Kristanna Sommer Loken as Malia
- Christopher Carroll as Captain Alben
- Irene Tsu as Mary Kim
- Patricia Tallman as Taresian Woman
- Michelle Erica Green - The Trek Nation
- Kira - Fiver (Parody)
- Jim Wright - Delta Blues - 3/5
- Jamahl Epsicokhan - Star Trek: Hypertext - 1/4
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