Mortal Coil
Series: 'Voyager'
Episode Title: 'Mortal Coil'
Episode Number: 412
Synopsis: "Neelix dies in a shuttle accident but is revived by Seven of Nine, who uses her nanoprobes to restore his vital signs. But he finds his faith in the afterlife shaken by the experience, and becomes despondent."
Original Airdate: December 17, 1997
Written By: Bryan Fuller
Directed By: Allan Kroeker
Guest Stars:
- Nancy Hower as Ensign Samantha Wildman
- Brooke Ashley Stephens as Naomi
- Robin Stapler as Alixia
- Michelle Erica Green - The Trek Nation
- Jim Wright - Delta Blues
- Jamahl Epsicokhan - Star Trek: Hypertext - 3/4
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