Scorpion, Part Two
Series: 'Voyager'
Episode Title: 'Scorpion, Part Two'
Episode Number: 401
Synopsis: "Janeway and Tuvok work aboard a Borg cube with a Borg spokesperson, Seven of Nine, but the ship is attacked and sacrifices itself to save Voyager and the technology it possesses to combat the new alien threat. Janeway, Tuvok, and several Borg are rescued, but with the captain in a coma, Chakotay takes command and breaks the alliance with the Borg. The new weapon proves successful, however, and the Borg leave Voyager alone once Seven of Nine's link to the collective is severed."
Original Airdate: September 03, 1997
Written By: Brannon Braga
Directed By: Winrich Kolbe
Guest Stars:
- Jennifer Lien as Kes
- Majel Barrett Roddenberry as Narrator
- Michelle Erica Green - The Trek Nation
- Colin 'Zeke' Hayman - Fiver (Parody)
- David E. Sluss - Cynics Corner - 6.5/10
- Jim Wright - Delta Blues - 3/5
- Jamahl Epsicokhan - Star Trek: Hypertext - 2/4
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- 'Star Trek: Voyager - The Complete Fourth Season' DVD -
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- 'Star Trek: Voyager - The Complete Fourth Season' DVD -
- 'Star Trek: Voyager - Season 4' DVD -
- 'Star Trek: Voyager - Season 4' DVD -
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