Gaming Bullets
By ChristianSeptember 1, 2000 - 10:51 PM
- According to a story on Game Informer, Interplay recently stated that the new real-time strategy game 'Star Trek: New Worlds' will not be available for the Sega Dreamcast. This despite earlier announcements that it would be, and listing the DC title as scheduled for release in a month.
- Meanwhile, the PC version of the title is awarded 3 out of 5 stars on GamePro.
- Though not including a score, Dan Adams at IGN PC has put up his first impressions of 'New Worlds', which aren't altogether positive.
- GA-Strategy have 3 new screenshots from 'Starfleet Command Volume II - Empires At War'.
- And there's a new SFC II development diary up at the Starfleet Universe.
- British Wireplay has an interview with Raven's Jake Simpson, talking mostly about the modifications made to the Quake 3 engine for 'Voyager: Elite Force'.
- Another walkthrough of the 'Elite Force' demo is up on
- Providing a different slant on all the 'Elite Force' previews, has a look at the game's Capture-The-Flag multiplayer mode.
- GameVisions have a transcript of the recent live chat with the 'Elite Force' development team.
- And finally, Raven's Kenn Hoekstra has updated his .plan file with details about the availabilty of the 'Elite Force' special edition.
- 9 new shots from strategy game 'Star Trek: Away Team' are up at GameSpot.
- The recent 'Star Trek: ConQuest Online' game from Activision gets another lackluster review, this time on 3D GameForce, who award it 6.5 out of 10 stars.
- 'Klingon Academy', the Interplay space simulator, scores a little better in the Game Rankings interview, receiving a score of 70%.
- Thanks go out to Evil Avatar and Blue for some of these items.
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