'Andromeda' News Bits
By ChristianMay 3, 2000 - 11:39 PM
According to VFXPro, Jim Finn has been hired as visual effects supervisor for 'Andromeda', the new SF series based on Gene Roddenberry's work and starring Kevin Sorbo (from 'Hercules').
In addition, Don Lipper at Space.com has put up a new interview with Robert Hewitt Wolfe, Andromeda's Executive Producer. In the interview, Wolfe talks about the inevitable comparisons with Star Trek (which he'd like to avoid), and the series' story arc. This begins in the first episode, when Dylan Hunt wakes up to a universe where there's, according to Wolfe, "nothing! There's chaos. It's anarchy, it's every man for himself. It's Bosnia." Take a look at some of Wolfe's description:
The Andromeda is a big ship with 4,000 crewmembers. "That's how many people are on the USS Nimitz," says Wolfe. But don't expect to see all 4,000 in the series. "There is a specific number of people who survive the time warp but it is definitely less than 4,000 and greater than zero," Wolfe hints darkly.
According to Wolfe: "The original crew of the Andromeda is very professional High Guard group. With [an insectoid Than] for a pilot and Gaharris Raday, a Nietzchean [genetically engineered superhuman survivalist] first officer and all sorts of exciting people who are very loyal to Dylan and want the best for the Commonwealth. They're very dedicated, loyal and professionally military."
As the series begins, the good ship Andromeda Ascendant is a military vessel that patrols trouble spots during the mostly peaceful glory days of the 1,000-year-old Systems Commonwealth -- back when the only trouble comes from the evil Magogs, a ravening horde that kills everyone except those they "impregnate" with Alien-like offspring that eat through their hosts.
In the full interview, Wolfe describes how Hunt has to reassemble a new crew for the 'Andromeda', after many of the ship's original crew members are killed by the time warp effect that trapped them for several centuries.
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