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By MichelleAugust 5, 2005 - 9:07 PM
Hello World!
It's nearly 100 degrees in DC - again - and I am off to the beach with my family tomorrow, so I won't be around. Hopefully it will be cooler there; it has been cooler in Baltimore and Annapolis, which are on the water. But even if it isn't I'm planning to spend most of my time in the Atlantic Ocean so *I* will be cooler regardless.
In addition to spending time in the surf, we are planning to visit the tall ship Kalmar Nyckel, which is docked in Cambridge this weekend; we are planning to go to the lighthouse and shipwreck museums in Delaware; we are planning to spend a day on Chincoteague Island, where the wild ponies are; we are planning to take the kids on a pirate cruise; and we are planning to eat crabs, play miniature golf, go on rides on the boardwalk and do all those other things that seem universal to beaches. I had thought perhaps it was just U.S. beaches, but when we were in Portsmouth earlier this year, we discovered that England, too, has seaside fried seafood stands, boardwalks, amusement parks and miniature golf.
I am not sure whether I will have any internet access at all; last time we were in Delaware, the rotary phone system made it impossible to dial in, and the place we're staying has no cable or wireless access. Whether this will be a welcome relief from real world concerns or a very stressful isolation is yet to be determined. Hope everyone is enjoying August and not melting in the northern hemisphere!
Trek BBS Today
Below are some of the topics currently being discussed at the Trek BBS:
-Licensed books: good or bad for franchises?
-How did the Cardassians miss the wormhole?
-Best potential movie franchise that failed to take off?
More topics can be found at the Trek BBS!
Trek Two Years Ago
These were some of the major news items from August 2003:
- Trinneer Teases Trip/T'Pol
Connor Trinneer revealed some upcoming events in the lives of Trip Tucker and T'Pol. "She's helping him sleep," he said. "She's asked by the doctor to use Vulcan acupuncture to help him could go anywhere." - Bjo Trimble Blasts 'Enterprise'
Bjo Trimble, who led the campaign to save Star Trek in the late 1960s and spearheaded the movement to have NASA's first space shuttle dubbed Enterprise, criticized the TV show currently using that name and suggested that the franchise bring in people who know the series to write and direct it:They should take advantage of all the Original Series crew that they have left...get someone who knows Trek to write the script...get someone who knows Trek to direct...but do you think Paramount has the good sense to see this? Nah! It would be foolish not to continue the spin-offs for as long as the fans like them and will support them.
- Ordover To Leave Pocket Books
Executive Editor John Ordover, who wrote, edited and created the concepts for numerous Star Trek books and book series, announced that he would be leaving Pocket Books after eleven years to found his own book packaging company.
More news can be found in the archives.
Poll Results
Below are the results of the most recent TrekToday poll:
Please vote in our new poll on which Scottish city should be deemed Scotty's future birthplace!
Happy Birthday!
Sunday, August 7th is the birthday of Cirroc Lofton, Deep Space Nine's Jake Sisko.
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