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By CaillanFebruary 6, 2003 - 10:51 AM
Hello World!
As the ratings season finally dawns in Australia, it appears we're about to get flooded by yet more reality shows and their annoying cousins - infotainment.
The most insidious assault on quality television looks to be a programme entitled Your Life On The Lawn. The premise seems to be that a Channel 7 camera crew comes over to your place to watch you move all the stuff out of the house and onto your lawn (while the neighbours wonder if you've finally snapped). While you're doing all this lugging about, an impossibly chirpy female presenter will prance around making inane comments into the camera.
According to the TV commerical, the show promises "life-changing experiences" as you throw all your wordly possessions out onto the grass. Sounds to me like one big spring cleaning excerise, and I can't say I've ever had a life-changing experience sorting through my junk. The TV ad also features footage of people hugging and getting all teary-eyed, no doubt because they've wasted their 15 minutes of fame chucking out the Christmas decorations their children made in primary school.
Channel 9 is also getting in on the act, probably just to spite me by pushing The West Wing back to a later timeslot and replacing it with garbage. Some of their offerings include Strip Search and Loves Me, Loves Me Not, which look about as appealing as being beaten over the head with a spatula.
Not that I'm against all reality shows. I became addicted to The Amazing Race during its last few episodes - I happened to be channel surfing, and got dragged in watching these people run around the world looking for clues to their next destination. I was rooting for Zach & Flo to win, because Zach put up with Flo's incessant whining the whole time without so much as a word. She, of course, deserved to be subjected to watching infotainment for the rest of her days.
Link of the Day: Get your weather in Latin!
Trek BBS Today
Below are some of the topics currently being discussed at the Trek BBS:
- Now that 'Stigma' has aired, grade the episode, discuss the music and Phlox's wife.
- Will the Voyager relaunch have new characters?
- Has there ever been a female Federation president?
More topics can be found at the Trek BBS!
Trek Two Years Ago
These were some of the major news items on February 6 & 7, 2001:
- Berman Talks Trek X and Series V
In an interview with the Star Trek Communicator, Rick Berman said the Series V pilot script had received "positive" feedback from Paramount, with the series likely to debut in September or October, 2001. - Last Century's 'Prophecy'
An article in the Norman Transcript detailed how Larry and Janet Nemecek sold the story for Voyager's seventh-season episode 'Prophecy' in 1994, before the premiere of the series. - 'Void' and 'Workforce' Photos
Star Trek Central and SFX Magazine published new photos from the upcoming Voyager episodes 'The Void' and 'Workforce, Parts I and II.'
More news can be found in the archives.
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