Scarlett Pomers Bullets
By ChristianJune 7, 2000 - 10:30 PM
- The Official Scarlett Pomers Homepage is reporting that Scarlett Pomers (Naomi Wildman) has finished shooting a pilot for a new television series called 'Alecia and the Belmont Band'.
The series stars teen country star Alecia Elliot as a girl whose family has just moved from Tennessee to Chicago. Once there, she joins a girl banned called 'The Belmont Band'. Her parents want her to concentrate on her work, but Alecia can't deny the passion she has for music. Pomers' stars in the pilot as Sam, Alecia's younger sister. In the series pilot, Alecia wants to go to a party with a few friends, but can't, as she has to babysit Sam, until the two reach some sort of compromise.
Pomers, who had to adopt a Tennessee accent for the series, apparently really enjoyed working on it, and said that Alecia "[was] so nice, she's like my real big sister!" More on the series can be found on this page at the official Scarlett Pomers Homepage. It is currently not yet known if the pilot will become a network television series.
- Pomers also recently recorded two episodes of the radio program 'Adventures In Odyssey'. The titles of her two episodes are 'Missionary: Impossible' and 'Trials of the Rich and Famous'.
- Finally, Skybox has released two new 'Star Trek: Voyager' collectors cards featuring Pomers in her role of Naomi Wildman.
- For all the latest Scarlett Pomers news, head on over to the Official Scarlett Pomers Homepage.
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