TNN To Cross-Promote 'Enterprise'
By LisaJune 8, 2001 - 11:02 AM
UPN executives are determined to make sure this Fall's debut of Enterprise on the network is a big success. A new promotional banner for the series is now online, the first TV promo has been re-introduced, and a new deal to cross promote the series with another network has been announced.
The TNN cable network is set to raise awareness about the new Star Trek show by cross-promoting the series. TNN holds the rights to reruns of Voyager the Next Generation and Deep Space Nine, as well as five Star Trek movies. The network will promote Enterprise during these reruns, while UPN will return the favour by advertising the re-runs during showings of Enterprise.
Enterprise is not the only series set to get cross-promotional treatment from UPN. Cable network FX holds the rights to reruns of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and will promote the new episodes of the series over on UPN; who will likewise promote the re-runs. This cross-promotion will come at a key time for both networks, which are set start showing Buffy at the same time in the Fall.
UPN has also unveiled a brand new Shockwave Flash banner promoting its new Star Trek Series. The banner features the legend 'The Final Frontier... Has A New Beginning...' across a star-scape background. These words then warp into the now familiar Enterprise logo.
The full banner can be found here at the UPN web site.
A new version of the Enterprise promo is now avaialbe online.
The first promotional trailer for Enterprise was shown during the Voyager finale 'Endgame' (story). However, many fans were angry and disappointed that the promo, which showcased the names of previous Star Trek captains, did not feature Deep Space Nine's Captain Sisko. These concerns were taken aboard by UPN, who have now produced a version of the promo including the DS9 captain.
Those eager to check out the promo for themselves, can find it available here at the Brazilian Enterprise site as a 1.3 MB zipped WMV file. Thanks to TrekWeb for these last two items.
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