UPN Releases 'Civilization' Promo
By CaillanNovember 8, 2001 - 6:56 AM
See Also: 'Civilization' Episode Guide
UPN yesterday released the trailer for next week's Enterprise episode, entitled 'Civilization'.
In the episode, Archer and members of his crew go undercover on a less-advanced Earth-like planet, only to discover that a disease is affecting the population. While on the away mission, Archer finds himself attracted to Riann, an alien scientist.
Courtesy of STEnterprise.cc and Outpost6, a digitised version of the promo is available for download. For those of you with slower connections, here's a transcript:
- [The viewscreen shows a ship crossing an ocean.]
- [Archer on the bridge.]
- Archer: "It's almost like travelling back in time."
- [Tucker on the bridge, staring at the viewscreen. Archer and Reed are also present.]
- Tucker: "I cannot wait to get down there."
- [The viewscreen zooms in on a street in a small town.]
- [T'Pol talking on the bridge.]
- T'Pol: "You'd be recognised as outsiders."
- [Archer and Tucker in a shuttlepod, in medieval-style clothes.]
- Archer: (off-screen) "Not if we look like them."
- [Shot of T'Pol also dressed like the planet's inhabitants.]
- [The shuttlepod heads towards the planet's surface.]
- [Native inhabitants gathered together at night.]
- [Archer talking with Riann, a female alien.]
- Riann: "People are dying and I can't determine why."
- [T'Pol and Sato walking around in cloaks at night.]
- [Archer and Tucker also wearing cloaks.]
- [Archer and Riann in her laboratory.]
- Archer: "If you tell us what you know, we might be able to help."
- [Close-up of Riann looking up from her work.]
- [T'Pol confronts Archer.]
- T'Pol: "The longer you remain, the more you risk cultural contamination."
- [Archer impulsively leans over and kisses Riann.]
- [A fight in the bushes at night.]
- [Archer talks back to T'Pol.]
- Archer: "These people are suffering from something a lot worse than cultural contamination."
- [Close-up of a hand peeling a layer of skin off a face.]
- [Archer approaches Riann.]
- Archer: "There are lots of inhabited planets to see..."
- [Riann turns around to face Archer.]
- [Archer and Riann move closer together.]
- Archer: "...but I doubt many will be this memorable."
- [Archer and Riann share a kiss.]
The 3.24 MB Quicktime file can be downloaded here at STEnterprise.cc. Alternatively, 3.4 MB and 4.0 MB Quicktime versions are available here at Outpost6.
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