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By KristineDecember 10, 2003 - 3:20 PM
Hello World!
With the winter rerun season in full bloom (we won't be seeing new episodes of Enterprise, Angel, or Smallville until 2004), what better to turn to than DVDs of your favorite television shows?
And there's no shortage of them this holiday season. The last few weeks have seen the release of Alias s. 2, Buffy s. 5, and Firefly. For those reliving Trek shows, both The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine are available in season box sets, with box sets of Voyager and the original series due out in 2004.
With all of these television shows rapidly appearing on DVD, many are taking the opportunity to catch up on shows they may have missed the first time around. Alias and 24 are both in their third seasons, but DVDs of both shows' first seasons are currently available. It's an easy way to catch up on a show you've heard a lot about but haven't had a chance to see.
The DVD release that got me most excited this time around is Firefly. Three episodes of the show never aired in the U.S., and watching them, as well as re-watching the episodes I did see, has made me angry all over again about the show being cancelled. What was on screen was great, and the characters and premise of the show had so much potential to develop, if only they'd been given the chance. Word is that creator Joss Whedon is working on a script for a Firefly movie. Let's hope it happens. In the meantime, check out the DVDs, and listen to the commentaries, which are available on half of the episodes. They reflect how much thought was put into the show, and how much fun everyone had making it.
In the meantime, please vote in our new poll about which shows you want/have on DVD. Unfortunately, you can only pick one, so vote for your favorite!
Trek BBS Today
Below are some of the topics currently being discussed at the Trek BBS:
-Rate Battlestar Galactica 2003
-Rumor on Dark Horizons--season 4 being the last
- Ron Moore interview at IGN
More topics can be found at the Trek BBS!
Trek Two Years Ago
Here are some of the headlines from TrekToday on December 10th, 2001:
Keating to Land at First UK 'Enterprise' Event
News broke that Dominick Keating (Malcolm Reed) would appear at Page's Bar in London on December 29th to promote Enterprise to UK Trek fans. The series had yet to air in the UK at the time of Keating's appearance, and Keating's visit to Page's Bar marked the first UK Enterprise event.
Executive Departs As UPN Gets Closer With CBS
The departure of Paramount's President of Television Programming, Kerry McCluggage, the head of UPN, was announced on December 10, 2001. Though CBS and UPN remained separate networks, UPN was merged with the CBS television unit. Both nets were to report to CBS's head, Les Moonves.
Sev Trek: Multi-Purpose Bjorn Orb
Sev Trek's latest cartoon featured a new "Bjorn Orb" and challenged readers to come up with a purpose for the new orb.
Poll Results
Below are the results of the most recent TrekToday poll:
Please vote in our new poll on TV shows you'd like to own on DVD!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday to Michael Dorn (Worf), who turned 51 on December 9th and Brian Bonsall (Alexander Rozhenko), who turned 22 on December 3rd!
Today's Television Listings
Tonight at 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time, UPN will rerun Enterprise's "Extinction". Here's the official synopsis of the episode:
The crew's ongoing pursuit of the Xindi leads them to a tropical world where Archer, Hoshi and Reed are exposed to a virus that morphs them into the planet's native beings. As Phlox searches for a cure, Trip and T'Pol negotiate with aliens determined to kill all those infected.
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