Region 1 TNG Season 2 DVD Details Revealed
By ChristianFebruary 15, 2002 - 5:01 AM
Paramount Pictures will be releasing Star Trek: The Next Generation's second season on DVD on the 7th of May, less than two months after the release of season one.
As with the first season, the second-season box set will come with a number of cast and crew interviews, and also includes a special feature looking at Star Trek sets and props. While the first-season set will be red and features the likeness of Captain Picard, season two will be orange and is set to feature William T. Riker on the cover of the accompanying booklet.
Over at, the second-season box set can already be pre-ordered, ensuring a copy will be shipped out when the set is released. Also still available for pre-order is the first-season box set.
Unlike the other box sets, the second season will come on six rather than seven discs, due to the fact that the second season only contained 22 episodes. The first five discs purely include episodes, such as 'Unnatural Selection' and 'Q Who,' while the sixth disc includes the episodes 'Peak Performance' and 'Shades of Gray' and a number of Special Features. Below is a listing of these features:
- Mission Overview: Year Two - The cast and crew, including creator Gene Roddenberry, talk in video interviews about the ways in which the show changed in its second year.
- Selected Crew Analysis: Year Two - A documentary looking both at the growth of the main characters and introducing crew members that joined the show in its sophomore year.
- Departmental Briefing: Year Two - Two documentaries, both containing interviews with production staff members such as Rick Berman, one looking at the production of several key episodes and one talking about memorable episodes of the second season.
- Inside Starfleet Archives - A segment looking at the "extraordinary array of Star Trek sets, props and much more."
The discs will feature both Dolby 5.1 and 2.0 sound mixes, as well as English subtitles and closed-captioning.
The above information is only confirmed for the Region 1 version of the second-season box set, which will be available in the United States and Canada. There has been no official announcement on the features included in the Region 2 box set, but in all likelihood these features will also be present in the European release. European visitors can still pre-order the first-season or the second-season box set from Amazon UK, or the first-season and second-season box set from Amazon Germany.
For American visitors, is now taking pre-orders for both season one and season two. Thanks go out to Davis DVD and Lysette van Erp for this!
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