James L. Conway To Direct 'Judgment'
By CaillanJanuary 17, 2003 - 8:21 AM
See Also: 'Judgment' Episode Guide
Industry veteran James L. Conway returns to the Paramount lot today to direct his first Star Trek episode since 'Broken Bow'.
Conway is set to helm the Klingon-heavy episode 'Judgment', according to FilmJerk. The nineteenth episode of Enterprise's sophomore season to go before the cameras, 'Judgment' will take the usual eight days to film, wrapping on Tuesday, January 28. Scoring for the episode is scheduled to take place on March 19, with Velton Ray Bunch composing the music.
'Judgment' is rumoured to feature an inquest into an incident involving a group of refugees from the Arin'sen colony, which is controlled by the Klingons (story). Archer takes the Arin'sen refugees on board Enterprise after receiving their distress call, but soon clashes with a belligerent Klingon commander, Duras, who claims the Arin'sen are rebels.
An Emmy-nominee for the TV movie 'The Legend of Sleepy Hollow,' Conway has worked in the entertainment industry as a writer, producer and director. In addition to the Enterprise premiere episode, his directorial credits include instalments of The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager, MacGyver and Charmed.
'Judgment' will likely air on UPN in April. The original information can be found here at FilmJerk.
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