Braga On 'Enterprise:' Some Episodes Were 'Poopy'
By LisaAugust 17, 2002 - 8:48 PM
Enterprise executive producer Brannon Braga spoke very candidly about the show's first season recently.
"The only negative I feel about this series in its first year is that there have been a few select episodes that were - poopy," he told SFX Magazine (via TrekWeb).
"Yes, poopy. There were some missteps with scripts," he continued. "Sometimes you know the script is not quite as good as you had hoped for or the concept of the script was a misfire, or maybe it was a good script that just did not get done right, that didn't come out the way it played on the page."
One of the episodes Braga disliked was 'Sleeping Dogs'. "Candidly, I didn't like it," he said. "There are people around here who think it's a great action adventure. My problem with it is that it relied on a techno solution at the end. At that point I feared that maybe we shouldn't be going back to Klingons so soon."
Another adventure he expressed reservations about was 'Acquisition'. "It was not entirely successful. There were some stabs at humour that fell flat, but others that worked. We set out to do a romp there, and I'd say we hit half the time. In terms of continuity, we were careful to make sure humans never did find out who they were and their name was never used. I saw more shit being given about our using the Ferengi before it aired than after. We almost didn't do this episode because we weren't sure it would fit well with continuity, but we decided to give it a whirl anyway."
Of course, he felt that some episodes worked well - like Dear Doctor'. "One of our best episodes. I liked the pacing, I liked the theme, I liked the fact that it became a Prime Directive episode toward the end and I liked the character work. For me it was a perfect Enterprise."
Much more from Brannon Braga looking back at the show's first season on air can be found in the current issue of SFX Magazine, out now in the UK. Alternatively, exacts are online here at TrekWeb.
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