Julia Houston 'Inner Light' Tribute
By ChristianMarch 22, 2000 - 12:23 AM
Over at About.com's Star Trek Fans, Julia Houston has put up the first in a series of articles about the best of Star Trek. This week, she pays tribute to 'The Inner Light', arguably the most moving TNG episode ever. Here's a short quote from the article:
The first path is obvious enough: family. Picard is topped only by Janeway in
his gift for impossible relationships. He seems only capable of falling in
love with people he absolutely cannot make a part of his life: his wife's best
friend, a woman who wouldn't follow him to the stars, a woman who must marry a
ruler to stop a war, a criminal archeologist trouble-maker, a member of his
crew, and let's not even get near that whole Q thing!
And so what's the very first thing Picard (or "Kamin") finds out about himself
in this alien world? He's married.
The power of this episode is almost all characterization, and it all centers
around Picard. TNG put at risk its most popular and well-developed character
(with the possible exception of Data) by actually changing that character in
quite fundamental ways -- and by following through on those changes in
subsequent episodes. This adventure is incredible not for its originality or
fantastical-ness, but for its wonderful appropriateness, for its everlasting
impact on Picard as a man who made so many choices in his life which were
overthrown in an instant to show him so many roads untraveled and leave him
the caretaker of of those paths for an entire world.
You can read on in the full article.
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