News Bullets
By CaillanNovember 27, 2001 - 8:47 AM
- has posted an article entitled 'Star Trek Tech Is Not So Bold,' looking at the science of the franchise. Astrophysicist Jeanne Cavelos talked about Trek's portrayal of robots:
"Nearly all the robots we've seen have resembled human beings, from Data to the many servants of Harry Mudd. Space exploration is an area where we often find robots useful, and they should become even more useful in the future."
The full article can be found here. Thanks to Michael Finn and Pam Ashworth for this!
- has posted an interview with Mackenzie Gray, who appears in the upcoming Babylon 5 telefilm. During the interview, Gray talked about his Star Trek interests. "I wasn't a big fan of later Star Trek. Patrick Stewart was great, but I never got into it. It seemed very plastic, with all these perfect women with impossible boobs," he said. "Although, I could watch it quite happily. Star Trek, the early series I did like a lot." The full feature can be found at
- Alexander Siddig (Julian Bashir) has sent a special holiday letter to fans, which has been posted at his official website, Sid City.
- The Scott Bakula (Jonathan Archer) TV schedule for the month of December has been updated at TV Now. Thanks to Bakula News for this!
- reported that Enterprise stars Connor Trinneer (Charles 'Trip' Tucker), Anthony Montgomery (Travis Mayweather) and Dominic Keating (Malcolm Reed) took part in last weekened's Annual Hollywood Christmas Parade.
- Entertainment Weekly has posted a publicity still of Jeri Ryan (Seven of Nine) here.
- The ASC Trek fanfiction archive has been updated with 250 new stories.
- Attention Canadian readers: 'Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan' will be shown for the third and final time in Montreal at the newly renovated Cinema du Parc on Wednesday November 28 at 9:30pm. Thanks to King-Wei for this!
- The Star Trek Dimension web site has been recently relaunched after some time offline.
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