The Book Padd

The Book Padd is Michelle Erica Green's regular review column looking at Pocket Books' fiction and non-fiction Trek books as well as Wildstorm's Star Trek comics line. Below you'll find every review ever published in the Book padd.

Jan 9 - Star Trek: A Singular Destiny
Bill Williams gives the thumbs-up to Keith R.A. DeCandido's new sequel to the 'Destiny' trilogy.

Nov 14 - Star Trek: Ships of the Line
Finally a volume containing all the iconic starships and space stations of Star Trek from early warp vessels to the Enterprise-J.

Nov 11 - Mere Anarchy, Book 1: Things Fall Apart
The beginning of a story spanning 30 years, set in the original series era, reflects what happens when one's best isn't enough.

Oct 29 - Voyages of Imagination
This new companion to Star Trek fiction for the first time discusses the Bantam, Ballantine and Pocket Books contributions in a single volume.

Oct 12 - What's Past Book Six: Many Splendors
This final book in the Starfleet Corps of Engineers series wraps up previous storylines about Sonya Gomez before the line's relaunch.

Oct 7 - What's Past Book Five: 10 is Better than 01
The mysteries of the Federation world Bynaus are explored in this new S.C.E. novel, explains Jacqueline Bundy.

Oct 4 - A Brief History of 'Ships of the Line'
Pocket Books executive editor Margaret Clark explains how the calendars and upcoming volume came about.

Sep 22 - Star Trek Crucible: McCoy: Provenance of Shadows
David R. George III imagines what would have happened after McCoy saved Edith Keeler and changed Earth's history.

Sep 14 - Star Trek: Constellations
Twelve stories set during the first five-year mission pay fitting tribute to the original series characters and their universe, writes Jacqueline Bundy.

Aug 12 - Boarding the Enterprise
Two notable science fiction writers edited this anthology on Star Trek and its significance.

Aug 6 - Burning Dreams
The life story of Captain Christopher Pike unfolds in this heartbreaking novel.

July 26 - Vulcan's Soul, Book Two: Exiles
Sherman and Shwartz's continuing tale of the long and perilous journey that the Vulcan exiles who would become the Romulans undertook.

July 23 - Pocket Books Preview: 2007
At the recent Shore Leave 28 convention, Pocket Books editors elaborated on what's coming up for the Star Trek line. Jacqueline Bundy reports.

July 16 - Pocket Books Preview: July to December 2006
At the recent Shore Leave 28 convention, Pocket Books editors discussed what's coming up for the Star Trek line.

July 16 - Vanguard: Summon the Thunder
The second book in the new 'Star Trek Vanguard' series is excellent and more than lives up to the potential this literary original series demonstrated in the first novel.

June 29 - SCE: What's Past Book Four: Distant Early Warning
Jackie Bundy looks at Dayton Ward and Kevin Dilmore's fourth installment in this 'Starfleet Corps of Engineers' series.

June 14 - SCE: What's Past Book Three: Echoes of Coventry
A secret intelligence mission that changed the tide of the Domininon War is the subject of the SCE novel.

May 28 - Enterprise: Last Full Measure
Jacqueline Bundy appreciated this novel, in which Michael A. Martin and Andy Mangels explain how the MACOs and the rest of Enterprise's crew learned to work together.

May 14 - SCE What's Past 2: The Future Begins
'The Future Begins' by Steve Mollman and Michael Schuster is a tribute to the character of Montgomery Scott.

Apr 27 - Everfree
Jacqueline Bundy reviews the conclusion to former Star Trek writer Nick Sagan's post-apocalyptic saga.

Apr 18 - String Theory: Evolution
The final volume of this 'Voyager' trilogy is a little verbose but resolves the storyline.

Apr 11 - Starfleet Corps of Engineers: What's Past, Book One: Progress
Katherine Pulaski returns in the latest S.C.E. offering, part of an arc celebrating Star Trek's 40th anniversary.

Mar 28 - Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Warpath
After the shocking events of 'Worlds of Deep Space Nine', two senior crewmembers are near death and a third is bent on revenge, but another twist awaits them.

Mar 26 - Your Face Looks Familiar
Several Star Trek actors, including Picardo and Shimerman, discuss their acting histories and technique in a new book reviewed by Jacqueline Bundy.

Mar 22 - The Genesis Protocol
Scienctific development goes awry in this new novel by a popular Star Trek writer.

Mar 14 - S.C.E. #60: The Clean Up
Excellent characterization and a tense story bring the Miradorn back in this post-Dominion War tale.

Mar 6 - New Frontier: Missing in Action
In the sequel to 'After the Fall', Calhoun is trapped far from home and Shelby faces impending tragedy.

Feb 27 - Starfleet Corps of Engineers: Blackout
While the da Vinci faces a planetwide blackout, Bart contemplates marriage and infidelity.

Feb 1 - Artificial Life Possibilities: A Star Trek Perspective
A new book on artificial intelligence and robotics explains the technology behind Data and the EMH.

Jan 22 - Star Trek Titan: Orion's Hounds
As Titan ventures beyond known space, the telepaths in her crew are overwhelmed by an alien cry of distress.

Jan 11 - Starfleet Corps of Engineers: Honor
Two officers must weigh the Prime Directive against a potential genocide in the 58th series eBook.

Dec 28 - S.C.E.: Out of the Cocoon
The S.C.E. faces technophobia in the latest eBook installment, reviewed by Jacqueline Bundy.

Dec 9 - String Theory Book Two: Fusion
Jacqueline Bundy reviews this latest novel in which Voyager pursues Tuvok, the middle of a three-part series reflecting back to the show's origins.

Nov 23 - S.C.E.: Wounds
Jacqueline Bundy reviews the latest eBook duology, in which Dr. Bashir and Dr. Lense are caught in a civil war.

Nov 2 - Star Trek: Voyager: Distant Shores
Jacqueline Bundy reviews the new collection of 'Voyager' series-era short stories.

Oct 25 - Titan: The Red King
Jacqueline Bundy reviews the second book about Riker's command on the Titan, which takes the crew through a rift in Romulan space.

Oct 1 - Edenborn
Jacqueline Bundy reviews former Star Trek writer Nick Sagan's novel of a world devastated by illness.

Sep 19 - S.C.E. #54: Security
Jacqueline Bundy looks at the e-book that reveals Domenica Corsi's past.

Sep 7 - Death In Winter
Jacqueline Bundy reviews the novel in which Picard and Crusher attempt to find resolution to their lengthy, rocky relationship.

Sep 3 - Fables of the Prime Directive
Jacqueline Bundy says that this novel takes a hard look at the ideology of the Federation's most sacred law.

Aug 10 - Star Trek S.C.E. #52: Identity Crisis
Jacqueline Bundy reviews John Ordover's first book in the eBook-only Trek series.

Aug 7 - Star Trek Vanguard: Harbinger
Jacqueline Bundy looks at the 'pilot novel' for this new station-based book series set in the TOS era.

Aug 6 - String Theory Book One, Cohesion
A well-paced, well-characterised novel set during 'Voyager' impresses Jacqueline Bundy.

July 28 - S.C.E. #51: Lost Time
Jacqueline Bundy enjoyed this latest visit to Deep Space Nine with the S.C.E. but says it's not the best introduction to the series for newer readers.

July 10 - Tales from the Captain's Table
Jacqueline Bundy reviews this sequel to The Captain's Table, the mysterious establishment where senior officers tell their stories.

June 13 - Articles of the Federation
Keith R.A. DeCandido's novel of Federation politics offers a very appealing group of characters and an involving story, writes Jacqueline Bundy.

June 12 - Starfleet Corps of Engineers: Malefictorum
The 50th book in the eBook series portrays Domenica Corsi 'in all her tenacious glory', writes Jacqueline Bundy.

May 26 - Hollow Men
Jacqueline Bundy reviews Una McCormack's DS9 novel, a sequel to 'In the Pale Moonlight.'

May 21 - Taking Wing
Riker sets off on his own command in the new Pocket Books novel following the events of 'Nemesis', reviewed by Jacqueline Bundy.

May 8 - SCE: Small World
Jacqueline Bundy reports that the body count in this David Mack offering is lower than fans may have come to expect.

Mar 23 - I.K.S. Gorkon, Book Three: Enemy Territory
Jacqueline Bundy gives the thumbs-up to the third novel in Keith R.A. DeCandido's Klingon-centered novel series.

Feb 27 - Creative Couplings Parts 1 and 2
Jacqueline Bundy reviews two eBooks encompassing a holodeck disaster and the first Jewish-Klingon wedding.

Feb 14 - Spin
Jacqueline Bundy reviews the latest SCE eBook, in which the Starfleet Corps of Engineers faces a derelict ship.

Feb 11 - Ex Machina
Jacqueline Bundy reviews Christopher Bennett's print sequel to 'Star Trek: The Motion Picture' featuring McCoy's onetime wife Natira.

Jan 31 - From Sawdust to Stardust
Jacqueline Bundy reviews Terry Lee Rioux's new biography of DeForest Kelley.

Jan 23 - Worlds of Deep Space Nine, Volumes II and III
Jacqueline Bundy reviews the latest installments of the Deep Space Nine fiction relaunch.

Jan 5 - To Reign In Hell
Jacqueline Bundy reviews Greg Cox's novel about the exile and madness of Khan Noonien Singh.

Dec 23 - S.C.E. #45: The Art Of The Deal
Jacqueline Bundy says this latest 'Starfleet Corps of Engineers' eBook is a well-written and original addition to the series.

Dec 19 - Star Trek S.C.E.: Where Time Stands Still
Remember 'The Time Trap'? Jacqueline Bundy reviews the book that tells what happens next.

Dec 13 - Starfleet Corps of Engineers: Paradise Interrupted
Jacqueline Bundy reviews the latest S.C.E. novella, set on the pleasure planet Risa.

Dec 8 - After the Fall
Jacqueline Bundy reviews the latest 'New Frontier' novel, which takes a leap into the future.

Dec 4 - Duty, Honor, Redemption
Jacqueline Bundy reviews this new edition of three of the most popular Star Trek motion pictures.

Nov 27 - Star Trek S.C.E.: Wildfire
Jacqueline Bundy reviews this anthology of Starfleet Corps of Engineers eBooks.

Oct 27 - A Time for War, A Time for Peace
Jacqueline Bundy says that the final installment of the 'A Time To...' series brings the book collection to a satisfying conclusion.

Oct 2 - Sargasso Sector
Author Paul Kupperberg takes "...and things go horribly wrong" to a whole new level in this SCE adventure.

Sep 20 - A Time To Kill, A Time To Heal
Jacqueline Bundy has high praise for this morally complex tale of Picard's crew and a ruthless villain.

Sep 14 - Bitter Medicine
Jacqueline Bundy reviews this SCE story about a doctor who grows too attached to a patient.

Sep 12 - Stargazer: Enigma
Jacqueline Bundy says this novel of Picard's early career may be a difficult read for those who haven't followed the series thus far.

Aug 6 - Vulcan's Soul, Book One: Exodus
Jacqueline Bundy reviews Josepha Sherman and Susan Shwartz's latest novel about Spock's lost years among the Romulans.

Aug 1 - Tales of the Dominion War
Jacqueline Bundy has high praise for this anthology of tales explaining what was going on throughout the Trek universe while DS9's crew was on the front lines of the struggle.

June 27 - A Time To Love, A Time To Hate
Robert Greenberger sets this series in a stronger direction with a character story interspersed with action.

June 18 - Failsafe
David Mack's fifth Starfleet Corps of Engineers novella pushes the storytelling envelope.

June 14 - Worlds of Deep Space Nine Volume One
This new book series explores the planets central to Deep Space Nine and its characters; in this first volume, that's Cardassia and Andor.

June 3 - Grand Designs
Jacqueline Bundy says the latest SCE eBook has a good sense of fun and a twist to die for.

May 29 - Daedalus's Children
Jacqueline Bundy says David Stern has come up trumps with this 'Enterprise' novel.

May 23 - Orphans
Jacqueline Bundy casts a critical eye over the latest SCE eBook and finds the story too confusing.

May 5 - Ring Around The Sky
Jacqueline Bundy says the latest SCE eBook is a pleasure to read.

May 1 - A Time To Sow & A Time To Harvest
Jacqueline Bundy says this second Next Generation duology in the A Time To... series is an "action-adventure mystery full of surprising twists and turns".

Mar 14 - A Time To Be Born & A Time To Die
Pocket Books' new series of Next Generation novels, A Time to..., tell the story of the Enterprise-E crew between Star Trek Insurrection and Star Trek Nemesis. Despite all the build-up, Jacqueline Bundy finds the first two books rather disappointing.

Feb 28 - The Demon, Books One and Two
Jackie Bundy calls this latest Starfleet Corps of Engineers outing a "thoroughly satisfying read".

Jan 26 - The Case of the Colonist�s Corpse
Captain Kirk's onetime lawyer, Sam Cogley, and ex-flame Ariel Shaw go head to head again in the latest Star Trek novel.

Dec 27 - Catalyst of Sorrows
Margaret Wander Bonanno, who last wrote Trek fiction more than a decade ago, returns with this novel of Uhura and the Lost Era.

Dec 23 - Daedalus
Tucker must recall a painful past experience as Enterprise faces off against an uncertain foe in this latest paperback novel.

Dec 16 - Collective Hindsight
A ship believed lost in the Dominion War resurfaces in the latest S.C.E. stories.

Dec 14 - Honor Bound
Keith R.A. DeCandido provides a Klingon story that Jacqueline Bundy calls "definitely one invigorating and extremely fun read."

Dec 4 - Deny Thy Father
Two Rikers encounter one another in this Lost Era novel that Jacqueline Bundy found somewhat disjointed.

Nov 16 - Unity
Jacqueline Bundy says Unity is a worthy addition to the Deep Space Nine relaunch saga.

Nov 7 - Well Of Souls
Jacqueline Bundy takes a look at the latest Lost Era novel, which focuses on Rachel Garrett, captain of the Enterprise-C.

Oct 31 - I.K.S. Gorkon: A Good Day To Die
Jacqueline Bundy says Keith R.A. DeCandido is off to a roaring start with his new series following the adventures of the I.K.S. Gorkon.

Oct 29 - Pantheon
Jacqueline Bundy reviews this Stargazer Signature Edition omnibus, comprising Reunion and The Valiant.

Oct 26 - New Frontier: Stone And Anvil
The conclusion to Peter David's Gods Above had Jacqueline Bundy spellbound.

Oct 20 - New Frontier: No Limits
This New Frontier anthology contains 18 short stories by several familar Star Trek authors. Jacqueline Bundy says the volume contains something for everybody.

Oct 17 - Starfleet Corps Of Engineers: Buying Time
Jacqueline Bundy says this latest S.C.E. eBook is a "pleasant diversion".

Oct 5 - Gods Above
Jacqueline Bundy says Gods Above's over-the-top story may not appeal to everyone but New Frontier fans should enjoy the continuing tale of the Excalibur crew.

Sep 30 - The Art Of The Impossible
Jacqueline Bundy is entranced by this latest 'Lost Era' novel, a gripping tale of the 18-year Betreka Nebula 'Incident'.

Sep 19 - Prophecy And Change
Although it has some weak points, Jacqueline Bundy says this 'Deep Space Nine' anthology is a must for dedicated fans.

Sep 7 - Stargazer: Oblivion
Jacqueline Bundy enjoyed this 'entertaining adventure' which explores the relationship between Picard and Guinan.

Aug 30 - Serpents Among The Ruins
Jacqueline Bundy says the untold story of the Tomed Incident will shock and amaze readers.

Aug 29 - Stargazer: Three
Jacqueline Bundy says 'Three' has some redeeming features, but the overall product is little better than a mediocre television episode.

Aug 2 - Aftermath
As the Starfleet Corps of Engineers saga continues to unfold, Jacqueline Bundy finds plenty to like in Christopher L. Bennett's new instalment.

July 26 - The Sundered
Jacqueline Bundy plunges into the murky waters of The Lost Era and finds whole new chapter of Star Trek history to explore.

July 4 - Breakdowns
Jacqueline Bundy says the latest Starfleet Corps of Engineers outing is a "poignant and delightful story" which lives up to the high standards set by the series.

May 24 - Balance Of Nature
Jacqueline Bundy says this latest instalment in the Starfleet Corps of Engineers series maintains the high standard set by the other stories.

May 4 - The Left Hand Of Destiny
Jacqueline Bundy was awed by this new two-book Klingon saga from the pen of Jeffrey Lang and Martok himself, J.G. Hertzler.

Apr 14 - Age Of Unreason
Jacqueline Bundy says this latest 'Starfleet Corps of Engineers' adventure can't measure up to the other stories.

Mar 7 - Surak's Soul
Jacqueline Bundy says the philosophical themes explored in Surak's Soul can't compensate for the weak plot.

Mar 2 - Home Fires
Jacqueline Bundy calls this latest Starfleet Corps of Engineers book a "complete and satisfying story" and a "wonderful" follow-up to the events of Wildfire.

Feb 28 - Gemini
Jacqueline Bundy examines Mike W. Barr's Original Series novel, discovering that it's a serviceable Trek adventure story, but nothing remarkable.

Feb 7 - Wildfire One and Two
Jacqueline Bundy calls this e-book series "a story that will leave your senses reeling, your eyes moist, and your heart and mind forever changed."

Jan 5 - Rising Son
After Jake Sisko disappeared early in the post-series Deep Space Nine novels, where did he go? Jacqueline Bundy finds out.

Dec 13 - War Stories One and Two
What did the crew of the da Vinci do during the Dominion War? Series Keith DeCandido reveals all!

Dec 7 - The Brave and the Bold
Keith DeCandido takes readers hunting for artifacts throughout the known Trek universe in this excellent pair of novels.

Nov 24 - The Nanotech War
Set during series-time, this new Voyager story introduces multidimensional aliens and gives Janeway and Seven of Nine a tough alien situation to handle.

Nov 11 - What Price Honor?
Jacqueline Bundy was alternately frustrated and bored by this new Enterprise story.

Nov 2 - Mission Gamma: Cathedral and Lesser Evil
Jacqueline Bundy finds the Mission Gamma books as good as a season of televised DS9 episodes.

Oct 29 - Enigma Ship
Jacqueline Bundy gives very enthusiastic thumbs up to the S.C.E.'s encounter with telepathic aliens.

Oct 19 - The Captain's Peril
The first volume of William Shatner's latest trilogy fails to impress Jacqueline Bundy, who finds his character obnoxious.

Oct 10 - Deep Space Nine: Mission Gamma
The trials of the new crew of Deep Space Nine continue in these post-finale novels, which Jacqueline Bundy enjoyed greatly.

Sep 21 - S.C.E.'s 'Foundations' Trilogy
What were the S.C.E. up to in Kirk's era? Flashbacks tell the tale. Jacqueline Bundy enjoyed them a lot.

Sep 8 - S.C.E.'s 'Past Life' and 'Oaths'
The Evora return in 'Past Life' with a problem that could take them from the Federation, while in 'Oaths,' Dr. Lense has a career crisis. Jacqueline Bundy finds both stories engrossing.

Aug 24 - 'Amazing Stories' & 'I'm Working On That'
In her latest column, Jacqueline Bundy takes as look at the Star Trek short story anthology 'Amazing Stories' and William Shatner's book about the scientific influence of Star Trek, 'I'm Working on That: A Trek from Science Fiction to Science Fact.'

Aug 15 - 'No Surrender' and 'Caveat Emptor'
In two recent S.C.E. novels, the crew of the da Vinci face a sabotaged prison and a crew of Ferengi possessed by Landru.

Aug 7 - Starfleet Corps of Engineers #9-12
Jacqueline Bundy reviews S.C.E volumes 9-12, as Captain Gold's crew deals with ambushes, computer problems and their ever-developing personal relationships.

Aug 3 - Summer Reading Roundup
This summer, Pocket Books brings back both the original series and Next Gen in several new book series, including a wonderful Klingon trilogy and a film-era novel by a beloved 'Voyager' writer.

Apr 20 - Spring Star Trek Books
Light holographic pastimes share shelf space with the Eugenics Wars and the Battle of Betazed in this spring's Trek book offerings.

Feb 14 - Trek Books For Your Valentine
Reviews of 'By the Book,' 'In the Name of Honor,' 'Immortal Coil' and several S.C.E. books.

Jan 9 - Winter Reading Roundup
Michelle Erica Green reviews New Frontier book twelve, 'Being Human,' 'The Genesis Wave, Book Three,' the Deep Space Nine 'Millennium' trilogy and 'Starship Spotter.'

Nov 17 - The 'Gateways' Series
Though few fans will love all the books, most will enjoy several of this ambitious miniseries in which travel at the speed of thought becomes a reality across the galaxy.

Oct 10 - 'Celebrations,' 'Broken Bow' & 'Invincible 2'
Michelle Erica Green reviews the latest Star Trek books for the fall and holiday seasons.

Aug 21 - 'Gateways,' 'Invincible' & 'Divided We Fall'
Michelle Erica Green reviews the latest Star Trek Books available for late Summer reading.

July 13 - S.C.E. & Stardate 2002 Calendar
Michelle Erica Green looks at the latest three 'Star Trek: S.C.E.' eBooks, 'Interphase, Books One and Two' and 'Cold Fusion,' and the new daily Trek calendar, Stardate 2002.

July 5 - 'Section 31: Abyss'
The Federation's most secretive organisation comes back to haunt Dr. Bashir. Plus: 'Divided We Fall.'

June 25 - 'Section 31: Cloak'
'Rogue' and 'Shadow,' the first two novels in the Section 31 series, explored the secretive intelligence agency in an era when we knew about its existence. In 'Cloak,' author S.D. Perry attempts to show us how Section 31 operated during Kirk's era. Read here to see if she was successful.

June 22 - 'Endgame' Novelisation
'Voyager' may be over, but the novel relaunch is just around the corner. However, according to Michelle Erica Green, not only does the novelisation of the final episode fail to satisfy, but the new relaunch material is lacklustre.

June 18 - The Eugenics War, Volume One
The late 20th Century saw the rise of Khan Noonien Singh and a group of genetically enhanced humans - only we never noticed it. Find out why in this new book by Greg Cox.

May 19 - Section 31: Rogue and Shadow
In this new four-novel crossover series, Pocket Books attempts to explore the history of Starfleet's most secret organisation. Reviewer Michelle Erica Green analyses the first two books in the series.

May 13 - Divided We Fall - Chapter One: Crossfire
In her latest review, Michelle Erica Green casts a critical eye over the first volume of Wildstorm Comics' new series - 'Divided We Fall: Crossfire.' Finding it to be an engrossing read, Green praises the excellent characterisation and high-quality artwork which makes this comic a winner.

May 6 - Strange New Worlds IV
In this fourth volume of the annual amateur Trek writing contest, there are again many strong stories to be found. But according to Michelle Erica Green, it's time the series got a new editor and changed its rules, as otherwise the series may grow stale.

Apr 24 - Avatar, Books One And Two
Almost two years after the television series ended, the Deep Space Nine sage continues again with the DS9 Novel Relaunch. The two-novel 'Avatar' series chronicles the first adventures of Colonel Kira and the crew of DS9 as they come under a surprise attack by a Jem'Hadar squadron.

Apr 19 - Spock vs Q, The Sequel
Alien Voices, the production company of Leonard Nimoy and John De Lancie, gained fame with the 'Spock vs Q' audiobook. In this new review, Michelle Erica Green looks at whether the sequel is as successful.

Apr 12 - Planet Killer
'The Doomsday Machine' has always been one of the Original Series' most popular episodes. In this new 3-issue comic series, writers Dean Wesley Smith & Kristine Kathryn Rusch revisit the planet killer, and Michelle Erica Green thinks they did a good job in that.

Mar 28 - The Definitive Star Trek Trivia Book, Volume 2
The Doctor was a 'Living Witness' for what two warring factions? The answer to these and many other quiz questions can be found in Jill Sherwin's second Star Trek trivia book, reviewed by Michelle Erica Green.

Mar 20 - Maximum Warp, Books One And Two
What would happen to technological cultures if their power supplies were rendered useless? That's the question at the heart of Dave Galanter and Greg Brodeur's Maximum Warp, a pair of simultaneously released paperbacks. In this new review, Michelle Erica Green looks at how much power these novels have.

Mar 11 - The Genesis Wave, Book Two
In the beginning, the Genesis Device was intended to create life from lifelessness. But an unknown enemy has unleashed the matrix in a wave spreading across the Alpha Quadrant, where neither Picard's crew nor Kirk's former colleagues can prevent its deadly transformation.

Mar 11 - The Genesis Wave, Book One
Is there life after Genesis? Author John Vornholt revives the deadly menace from The Wrath of Khan, bringing back many familiar faces to try to stop it from destroying Earth.

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