Starfleet Corps of Engineers: Paradise Interrupted
By Jacqueline BundyPosted at December 13, 2004 - 6:09 AM GMT
Title: Star Trek: Starfleet Corps of Engineers #43: Paradise Interrupted
Author: John S. Drew
Release Date: September 2004
Format: eBook
ISBN: 0-7434-9366-4
In the four years since the Starfleet Corps of Engineers series debuted readers have traveled around the quadrant with the crew of the U.S.S. da Vinci. In #43, Paradise Interrupted, author John. S. Drew presents a sweet little story set on the one planet most trek fans wish really did exist � Risa.
When the popular vacation planet Risa begins to experience unexplainable power disruptions the U.S.S. da Vinci is dispatched to identify the problem and find a solution. The planets dependence on a complex weather control system to keep it habitable makes a quick result imperative but upon arrival the away team finds their efforts complicated by a group of Gorn.
Paradise Interrupted is the story of two lost children, one human and one not. The plot is simple and straightforward allowing the dialogue between the characters to really stand out and effectively carry the story. The characterization is wonderful and Drew makes several nice connections within the narrative to previous stories.
Although the author's use of the Gorn provides an extra element of tension to the story, they aren't the main focus of the story, the characters are. The interplay between Tonais, the director of the Monagus Lagoon resort and his assistant Bander adds a nice comical element and several of the da Vinci's supporting characters get a chance to stand out.
Paradise Interrupted may not be an action packed adventure tale, but it is highly enjoyable for regular readers of this series.
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Jacqueline Bundy reviews Star Trek books for the Trek Nation, writes monthly columns for the TrekWeb newsletter and the Star Trek Galactic News, and hosts the Yahoo Star Trek Books Group weekly chat.