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March 17 2025


An archive of Star Trek News

Non Sequitur

By Michelle Erica Green
Posted at January 13, 2004 - 2:02 PM GMT

See Also: 'Non Sequitur' Episode Guide

Harry Kim wakes up in San Francisco, living with his girlfriend Libby, on the verge of presenting an important proposal to Starfleet Command. It's as if his life on Voyager never existed; he is the only one who remembers it, and only a local bartender seems sympathetic to his plight. Libby only wants to talk about their relationship, the people at Starfleet are at first puzzled and later suspicious about his claims. When Harry checks the database, he discovers that he wasn't on Voyager when it launched; instead, a friend of his from the Academy went in his place, and was lost in the Delta Quadrant.

Harry also discovers that Tom Paris was not on Voyager in this timeline, and seeks him out in the real Sandrine's. But Tom, who got thrown off the mission for getting in trouble on Deep Space Nine, isn't interested in an alternate life in which he's a hero, and just wants to be left alone. Harry determines to get back to his rightful era no matter what, and escapes from Starfleet when they restrain him. He discovers as well that the barkeeper is really an alien who inadvertently interfered with the timeline, and tried to give Harry a life he'd enjoy in compensation.

To Harry's surprise, Tom arrives to help him, taking him in a shuttle to the point where he can beam back into the time stream that knocked him away from Voyager. Though this Tom knows that he will die trying to return Harry to Voyager, he prefers that death to his miserable life. The attempt is successful despite Starfleet pursuit, and Harry gets back to Voyager.


Zzzzzzzzzzz. Huh? Oh, sorry. This is one of the most boring hours of television I have ever watched. Harry Kim's not an interesting enough character to carry a brilliant script, and this one's a mediocre alternate timeline story in which we learn that his life has little consequence whichever path he takes. He had no chemistry with Libby, we never saw his parents, he didn't sound impressive negotiating with Starfleet...what was the point?

The only highlight was getting to see a scruffy, sad-eyed Tom Paris turn himself into a hero. Robert Duncan McNeill is a very appealing actor, much more so than Garrett Wang, and his sense of humor was a welcome relief in an otherwise completely tedious episode.

Find more episode info in the Episode Guide.

Michelle Erica Green reviews 'Enterprise' episodes for the Trek Nation, for which she is also a news writer. An archive of her work can be found at The Little Review.

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