News Headlines for July 1999
July 31 - Comics: Keith R. A. DeCandido InterviewAn interview with author of the first TNG comics mini-series and the first Ambassador Worf novel.
July 30 - Article: The Franchise's Future
Steve Perry explains why Star Trek should go on, and why it should go on now.
July 27 - : Star Trek's Vision
Thoughts on Voyager's future, Gene Roddenberry's vision, 'Rick Berman' from Italy, and comments on our articles!
July 26 - A Take On Trek: Taking Advantage
Fred Shedian reviews whether or not fans truly appreciate this gift known as Star Trek.
July 25 - Comics: Jeff Mariotte's Responses
More answers from the Trek comics editor.
July 24 - Article: Raleigh Convention Report
Kathryn Keeter and Bette Llewellyn report about an all-star convention in Raleigh.
July 24 - Interview: David Henderson
An interview with the webmaster of Psi Phi.
July 21 - Article: Our Future Goal
Tamara Thomas argues for a society based on Star Trek.
July 20 - Article: The Franchise's Future
Julia Houston tells Star Trek fans to lighten up!
July 19 - : Hiatus Calm
Comments on Heather Jarman's 'The Future's Franchise,' Flight Academy, ads and the mailbag is spammed!
July 19 - A Take On Trek: Back To Basics
In this week's column, Fred Shedian remarks on a platform for the next incarnation of Trek.
July 18 - Comics: Jeff Mariotte's Responses
The editor of the Trek comics answers his first fan questions.
July 14 - Comics: WildStorm Press Release
The initial Wildstorm Press Release
July 13 - Article: The Franchise's Future
Heather Jarman questions the need for more Trek.
July 11 - : Voyager In Flight
Responses to 'Defending Flight Academy,' cancellation and the Franchise's Future.
July 10 - Article: Defending Flight Academy
Valentine Winter tells us why he'd like to see a 'Flight Academy' series.
July 8 - Article: Ron & Brannon
A massive feature about Ron Moore & Brannon Braga, including a farewell to Ron, opinion articles and a mailbag!
July 8 - A Take On Trek: Response To Voyager
In his first column, Fred Shedian asks fans to be more positive.
July 8 - : Mo(o)re Braga
A special edition looking at the recent Brannon Braga rumours
July 7 - Article: Star Trek Ratings History
Greg Fuller explains why Trek's ratings are actually rather good.
July 6 - Article: The Franchise's Future
Jim Wright still sees some hope for Star Trek.
July 5 - Article: Defending Braga
Valentine Winter reacts to the attacks on Brannon Braga.
July 4 - : Star Trek Lives!
Voyager cancellation, 'Flight Academy' and Is Trek Dead?