March 15 2025


An archive of Star Trek News

Spiner on Warehouse 13 Tonight

1 min read

Star Trek: The Next Generation’s Brent Spiner will be returning to television with a guest role on SyFy’s Warehouse 13 tonight.

Spiner’s role will be that of Brother Adrian, a new villain.

The TV Guide description of the episode says that “Artie Nielsen [Saul Rubinek] and the gang are on a mission to pull their lives back together and Brother Adrian is a major obstacle to that. The Brotherhood is descended from the Knights Templar and connected to the Vatican. It is charged with the protection of many powerful artifacts, one of which Artie desperately needs to make everything right again.”

Warehouse 13 Executive Producer Jack Kenny first saw Spiner perform in something rather different than Star Trek: The Next Generation. “I love Brent Spiner, [but] I don’t have the same relationship with him [as Trek fans do]”, said Kenny. “I saw him as John Adams in 1776 on Broadway. We knew that we were creating this role of Brother Adrian that would be a nemesis for Artie.”

Season Four of Warehouse 13 premieres tonight at 9 PM on Syfy.

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2 thoughts on "Spiner on Warehouse 13 Tonight"

  1. Warehouse 13 is my favorite fictional TV show that is still in production, and I can’t wait for it to return. I’m sure Spiner will bring an interesting dynamic to the season ahead, although if the character is closer to John Adams than Data, I’m not sure what to expect, other than the character will be “obnoxious and disliked” (the 1972 movie “1776”, based on the Broadway play, is my all-time favorite movie, unfortunately, I was unable to catch the show on Broadway). And, of course, I’m a huge fan of Star Trek, although I lean more toward the original series.

    Yep, I have a lot of favorites mixed up into tonight’s episode.

  2. Warehouse 13 is one of the best shows on TV, and I love the great guest stars that they have decided to bring in this season. I think bringing in Brent Spiner will increase the fan base of this great show dramatically. I always try and help by recommending this show to my coworkers, at Dish, and they always like it. I didn’t get to see the premiere live on Monday, but it is online at Dish Online for free, so I watched it this morning very easily. I hope to see more and more of the great guest stars like Mr. Spiner on the show going forward.

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