March 17 2025


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Abrams Writing Star Wars

1 min read


J.J. Abrams and Lawrence Kasdan (The Empire Strikes Back) will be co-writing the next Star Wars movie.

Star Wars Episode VII will be released in 2015, with filming to begin in the UK next spring.

The pair is taking over from Michael Arndt, who was announced last November as the sole screenwriter.

“I am very excited about the story we have in place and thrilled to have Larry and J.J. working on the script,” said LucasFilm‘s Kathleen Kennedy. “There are very few people who fundamentally understand the way a Star Wars story works like Larry, and it is nothing short of incredible to have him even more deeply involved in its return to the big screen. J.J. of course is an incredible storyteller in his own right. Michael Arndt has done a terrific job bringing us to this point and we have an amazing filmmaking and design team in place already prepping for production.”

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20 thoughts on "Abrams Writing Star Wars"

  1. Mr. Abrams is very good, I think, at writing/making movies for what I will call the “HuffPo” set–young, trendy, self-confident, self-assured, convinced with righteousness about their percieved unique abilities. I think he does a good job reinforcing their world views. In my opinion, though, it still awaits to be seen if he can craft heroic tales of a more universal and timeless appeal. We will find out.

  2. writing for trek was beneath him, but for star wars he gladly does so, fucking bullshit.

  3. I want to know who the head writer out of these two will be? If it’s Mr. Kasdan, this could be a good film. If it’s JJ, I look forward to the angry Star Wars fans going after him. If he thinks angry Star Trek fans are crazy, wait till he faces off against angry Star wars fans!

  4. Kasdan has the experience and the clout in Hollywood to persuade JJ to listen, and to tell him to fuck himself if he does not.

  5. Blah blah dark side, blah blah Lens Flare, blah blah obligatory bashing of substance-lacking-yet-entertaining reboot movies. The way to enjoy the new Trek movies is to realize they aren’t really the Star Trek we know and love, but empty, enjoyable-with-popcorn vessels for action with shoddy plotting but excellent acting. And yet, there’s no way these new SW movies will be worse than the prequels. Even Transformers 2 was better than the prequels. Now, will they be GOOD? That’s another question.

  6. People, people, lay off of Abrams, please! Despite some flaws, Into Darkness was entertaining.

    Give the guy a break. This hatred toward him is just as old as dirt itself.

  7. Somebody should tell those exact same words to Vic Mignogna and the crooks at Farragut Films.

  8. Kinda entertaining in the same way that Transformers was, I guess, but a good sci fi movie? No. A good Star Trek movie? No. That goes for the first one, too.

  9. This pair will actually be quite competent compared to the undynamic duo of Orci and Kurtzman, their curriculums vitae full to the brim of dumb Michael Bay schlock. Actually I think the two new Trek movies would be halfway on the road to intelligence had JJ hired good screenwriters.

  10. It could be worse. It could be Vic Mignogna’s misfire Star Trek Continues and Farragut Films dud of a series Starship Farragut.

  11. When Vic and Farragut are taken down by our legal system, I’ll consider it(NOT!)

  12. Yeah. Honestly if JJ remembers just one thing, which is that at its heart the original trillogy where westerns in sci-fi disguise, its probably going to be better than the prequel trillogy which had completely forgotten that. At the very least it’ll look good (well assuming he doesnt go TOO overboard with the damn lens flares!)

  13. He’s actually quoted as apologizing about the lens flares and that they’d be almost non-existent in the SW Sequels. Here’s hoping that yeah, they stick to that original trilogy flavor!

  14. Eh, it wasnt a big deal. The lighting was there for a reason to create a big bright artificially lit visual language to put the story in, and it actually looked pretty great. I think it got a bit carried away in the second film, but the flares where necessary to keep the story in the same visual space, it just went a bit too far. Which he acknowledges, so thats fine. I mean lets be clear, those films looked *amazing*, even if the story kind of lost the plot in the second one (Ironically it felt like the Khan thing was there to please the fans, its just he probably forgot to run it by fans and it ended up being…. goofy and continuity breaking)

  15. At least Orci and Kurtzman are not writing the Star Wars movie. There is something sacrilegious about Abrams directing both Trek and Wars. Part of the fun was keeping the franchises separate. We all know Lucas, Kathleen Kennedy and Spielberg are close. How else could Abrams have gotten the job?

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