March 13 2025


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McDowell And Dorn At Generations Screening

1 min read


Malcolm McDowell and Michael Dorn will be in person at a screening of Star Trek: Generations on Tuesday, April 15.

The screening is part of the Malcolm McDowell Q&A Screening Series, which takes place at the Alex Theatre in Glendale, California.

The screening of the movie is preceded by a Q&A session with McDowell. In addition to McDowell, The Next Generation‘s Michael Dorn will be a special guest moderator at the event. At these “In Person” movie events, actors and directors “talk to the leads in the films about their landmark moments and thoughts.”

The Star Trek: Generations screening will take place on Tuesday, April 15, at 7:30 PM. Tickets for the screening will cost $15, and can be ordered here.

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22 thoughts on "McDowell And Dorn At Generations Screening"

  1. Wow, can’t believe this movie is 20 years old. Where has The Predator (time) gone?

  2. Malcolm McDowell was one of the only cool things about the film. Along with the Enterprise-B segment, Whoopi Goldberg, and the death of the Duras Sisters. The rest of the movie was just terrible.

  3. It’s a decent Star Trek movie with some interesting philosophical undertones and a non-stereotypical villain.

  4. Wow! 20 years! Like Star Trek V, this movie should not have been made, but it was. Paramount wanted to get TNG off the air and on the screen FAST, and it showed in the story and production values. I remember Patrick Stewart being interviewed as TNG was wrapping up the finale, and he was lamenting that the crew had no time to celebrate or lament, that the old set was being rebuilt for the movie, etc… If they would have postponed another year, I am sure it could have had a better impact.

  5. I’d argue it’s the best TNG movie. That doesn’t say a lot about the three subsequent movies, but Generations’ heart was in the right place, it had something interesting to say about the human condition, and frankly it’s the only TNG movie that really feels like TNG. The settings, the look, the atmosphere, and the characters all seem right, in ways they didn’t thereafter.

  6. I didn’t like this movie so much because I felt they were trying to do too much. I think it’s absurd to compare it to Star Trek V though. It wasn’t a bad movie just a little muddled.

  7. Nemesis was way much worse. It makes the faults of Star Trek V – The Final Frontier look paler in comparison.

    Honestly the NG films(with the exception of First Contact)were not all that great in my book. They appeared to be nothing more than just two-part episodes.

  8. ‘Generations’ was pretty bland. Also, it played off as a television episode trying to be a movie.

  9. Yeppers, that was pretty spectacular.

    Speaking of the saucer crash, that’s a subject I would like to voice an opinion on.

    The destruction of the Enterprise-D in general, was not necessary. Ten years before Generations, fans were witness to the shocking self-destruction of the original Enterprise in Star Trek III – The Search For Spock(something that was just as controversial and unnecessary as Spock’s death in Star Trek II – The Wrath Of Khan). Having the Enterprise-D go up in a puff of smoke was just a way for those slimeballs Rick Berman and Ronald D. Moore to bring in box office dollars and an excuse for the Enterprise-E to be brought into commission in First Contact.

    Seriously, if the writers at Paramount wanted to phase out the Enterprise-D, why not just decommission her instead of recycling something already done from Star Trek’s past?

    Rick Berman and Ronald Moore must have have been influenced by Fred Freiberger’s stupidity and careless business sense.

    And while I am at it, why in the hell didn’t the writers just have Geordi jettison the warp core? If the jettison mechanism had been put out of commission during the clash with the Duras Sisters, then that would have made sense – had the writers bothered to mention such an accident.

    All the more reason why Montgomery Scott would have been able to have saved the Enterprise-D if he had been there. Geordi LaForge is an incompetent Starfleet Officer and a lousy engineer. If anything, I would have rather have seen LaForge killed off in the film instead of Jim Kirk.

  10. I went to this last night with my wife and had a lot of fun. I’ve decided based off of last night that Malcolm McDowell is actually very funny and Michael Dorn is the nicest guy on the planet. Nichelle Nichols was also there and just had the most amazing smile. She also looked rather frail and left the theater early (I hope she is ok). William Shattner sent a special message to McDowell that Dorn read to everyone, and the best part of the evening was that we all saw Generation in it’s original 35 mm print version. It was EXACTLY like I originally saw it almost 20 years ago.

    Haters be damned, I love this film and am sad that the TNG cast only got four movies made, but not as sad as I am that Enterprise ended after only four season or that the proper, original franchise is done. 🙁

    That said, at events like this exist. Best date ever! 😀

  11. It was the studios idea to put the TNG cast into the features right after the show ended. Maybe there is something to the idea of waiting a year or two after 1994 before the first film was made, but in hind sight, I’m happy they did what they did. We may have gotten fewer TNG films had they waited too much longer, if any. I for one enjoyed all four!

  12. That’s cool. I personally didn’t care for the TNG films. They were pretty average to poor, and made for a niche audience.

  13. I hate to break it to ya, but Star Trek (outside of maybe JJ-Trek) as a franchise is made for a niche audience. Nothing wrong with that unless you are not part of the niche or you are a studio investor.

  14. You know, as much as I love the Ent-D, I really enjoyed seeing the Ent-E grace the screen. Such a pretty ship! I personally also enjoyed that fight with the Duras sisters. It felt like the completion of a story arc going back to TNG season 3. It made perfect sense to me that there needed to be some sacrifice to finally finish these villains off. It also elevated the Duras sisters in villainy as they did something not even the Borg were able to do: destroy the Enterprise. Besides, it went very well with the theme of the film, which was about the passage of time and enjoying the moment. A theme I might add was touched on again in Insurrection.

  15. What’s wrong with that? So the TNG films were two part episodes. So what? I was happy to get more adventures with the TNG crew and am sad that it’s done.

  16. You’re not telling me anything new there. That’s why the Abrams films sought a bigger audience since films like Generations is what ran the franchise into the ground. It was starting the downward spiral at this point.

    Star Trek is now trying to expand from that niche audience since it had been dead for so long before the reboot.

  17. I went to the event with my gf. It was fun! I took pictures as well. McDowell is a funny man.

  18. Yes, I did notice she had left early. I forgot what time in the film she died. I know it was after Kirk ‘ s death when she left.

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