March 13 2025


An archive of Star Trek News

Star Trek Special: Flesh and Stone Comic

1 min read


A new comic by IDW Publishing will feature the doctors of Star Trek.

The story for Star Trek Special: Flesh and Stone was inspired by the “real-world, $10 million Qualcomm Tricorder XPRIZE international competition,” in which teams are currently “vying to develop a consumer-friendly mobile device capable of diagnosing and interpreting a set of health conditions and vital health metric.”

In Star Trek Special: Flesh and Stone, “when a lethal metamorphic virus strikes a Starfleet medical conference, Doctors Beverly Crusher, Julian Bashir, Katherine Pulaski and the EMH join forces — with assists from Dr. Leonard McCoy and Dr. Phlox — to save the day.

“There aren’t very many ‘firsts’ left in the world of Star Trek,” said Scott Tipton, who along with David Tipton penned the story. “So when IDW and XPRIZE came to us with the opportunity to team up all six of Trek’s doctors for the first time, how could we say no?”

“The tricky part is how to get them together, since some of them are separated by about two hundred years,” said David Tipton. “How does it happen? You’ll just have to wait and see…”

Star Trek Special: Flesh and Stone will debut in July.

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6 thoughts on "Star Trek Special: Flesh and Stone Comic"

  1. Dr. Bashir and The Doctor have the Nemesis-era uniforms but the collars are old DS9/Voyager colour?

  2. What about Boyce and Piper? Star Trek hasn’t had six doctors–it’s had eight.

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