March 18 2025


An archive of Star Trek News

NASA’s Warp Drive Ship Design

1 min read


A new design from NASA Physicist Harold White shows what a ship designed for faster-than-light travel might look like.

White teamed up with Artist Mark Rademaker to create a model which will look familiar to Star Trek fans.


White and his team have been working on a design for a faster-than-light ship since 2012. Their work is still in the experimental stage, but is based on real math.

The new design owes its origins to Star Trek‘s Matt Jeffries.

See more images of the model here.

The video below features White discussing the model and the potential for a warp drive ship. The pertinent part of the discussion begins at the 41:54 mark.

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11 thoughts on "NASA’s Warp Drive Ship Design"

  1. Had they use something like this design for the show that became Enterprise, then the show might not have looked as bad is it eventually did. Although its name shouldn’t have been “Enterprise” but another name for the ship to fit with canon.

  2. Wow! That looks pretty cool! Hopefully the ship that eventually does become the first warp ship is called Enterprise!

  3. this ship was desgin mark rademaker Dr white ask him to desgin that ship to see what it will look like using warp ring depends on how thick the rings are so warp travel will work the idea was from uss enterprise xcv 330 desgin from Matt Jefferies this is how it started so lets hope it comes reality sum day 🙂

  4. Yeah, Pluto is only 397 years away at Warp 0.2. Make it so, and ENGAGE!

  5. I know what these words mean individually, but I have no idea what you just said.

  6. Gods’ overflowingly abundant bosoms. We might just make it off this rock after all.

  7. I dunno…the ship design looks like an ’80s kit-basher’s nightmare after gorging on pizza, ice cream, and beer. ;-b

  8. The main issue about faster than light speed travel really isn’t figuring out how to use massive amounts of energy to break the gravitational pull on a starship accelerating faster and faster to the speed of light and beyond but how to pass through a gravitational field all together without gravity affecting the ship. Let me take you back to a time before the Universe was afire with desire and passion and the lust that created the Big Bang. During the Pre-Big Bang there would not have been gravity as we know it today that can be measured. The reason being that the suns, planets, black holes and other celestial bodies that create gravity would not have been present. The two most important gravity creators would be a sun and a black hole. A light photon is created in a sun and therefor the processes that create the light photon also create its velocity of light speed. A black hole is a sun that has collapsed in on itself to become a singularity. Both a sun and black hole govern the life of a photon. The sun giving the photon its life and the black hole taking that life away. If we take the gravity of the suns and black holes out of the Universal back drop along with planetary and other celestial gravitational creational then there is not any gravity present to cause the ship to need to use more energy to accelerate to faster velocities. Theoretically without any gravity present a conventional drive such as a liquid fueled booster could propel a ship to FTL velocities. The question is though how do we pass through gravity where the field around the ship would actually cause gravity to be displaced like a boat displaces water so that the ship can pass through freely.

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