IDW Publishing December Trek Comics
1 min readFor Star Trek comic book fans, December will be a good month.
There will be four different Trek comics released in December.
The titles will include: Star Trek/Planet of the Apes #1, Star Trek #40, Star Trek: New Adventures Vol. 1, and Star Trek: New Visions: Made Out of Mudd.
Star Trek #40 will wrap up The Q Gambit series. In this issue, written by Mike Johnson, with art and cover by Tony Shasteen, “the fate of the past, present and future are at stake as Kirk, Sisko and Spock face off with the mad Cardassian Dukat…and discover the secret behind Q’s machinations in their timeline!”
Thirty-two pages in length, Star Trek #40 will sell for $3.99.
Star Trek: New Adventures Vol. 1 will feature “stories that take place between the first and second movies! Featuring the new cast of the film, these issues feature re-imagined stories from the original TV series in the alternate timeline as well as brand new missions, all with creative collaboration with Star Trek Writer/Producer Roberto Orci. Collects the first twelve issues of the ongoing Star Trek series.”
Written by Mike Johnson, with art by Stephen Molnar, Joe Phillips, Joe Corroney and Claudia Balboni, with a cover by Tim Bradstreet, the three-hundred-page issue will sell for $29.99.
The other two comics have recently been featured in TrekToday articles; they are the Star Trek/Planet of the Apes crossover, seen here, and the Harry Mudd photonovel, which can be seen here.
Star Trek #40 will wrap up The Q Gambit series. In this issue, written by Mike Johnson, with art and cover by Tony Shasteen, “the fate of the past, present and future are at stake as Kirk, Sisko and Spock face off with the mad Cardassian Dukat…and discover the secret behind Q’s machinations in their timeline maybe Gul Dukat IS a Q
“Maybe Gul Dukat IS a Q.”
That’s the dumbest thing I’ve heard in a while, which is probably why it will end up in this comic.