January 2 2025


An archive of Star Trek News

Star Trek: The Compendium Gag Reel Clips

1 min read


Star Trek: The Compendium will be released next week, but fans can have a sneak peek of the gag reel now.

Two clips have been placed online, both featuring scenes from Star Trek into Darkness.

The first clip features Chris Pine, Simon Pegg, Zachary Quinto, J.J. Abrams, Zoe Saldana, Karl Urban, Alice Eve, and Benedict Cumberbatch. There are flubbed lines by the actors and lots of laughter.

The second clips features the actors dancing, including those dressed up as Klingons.

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4 thoughts on “Star Trek: The Compendium Gag Reel Clips

  1. > The second clips features the actors dancing, including those dressed up as Klingons.

    “Klingons”. Yeah. You keep telling yourself that, JJ.

  2. Star Trek In Name Only Compendium will be released next week…

    Two clips have been placed online, both featuring scenes from Star Trek into Dorkness.

    The first clip will feature exclusive footage of Zoe Saldana bent over a table in a gag reel called J.J.’s Star Trek into Pornography.

  3. I’m sorry but if the gag reel doesn’t involve Alice Eve gratuitously cavorting around in her skivvies on set then it doesn’t even approach the level of “Star Trek into Pornography.” And William Shatner-as-James-T.-Kirk agrees because he knew the chicks!

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