New Abrams Project
1 min readJ.J. Abrams and Bad Robot will be producing a new sci-fi movie for Sony Pictures.
The movie will be directed by Chris Alender.
Featuring the usual Abrams secrecy, not much is known about the project, other than the script “features aliens and is reminiscent of Cloverfield in terms of both tone and budget.”
Alender will make his directorial debut in the new Abrams project. Alender’s previous experience was limited to a short film, Eye of the Storm.
Sony? Well, for the love of Pete, don’t piss off North Korea!
> reminiscent of Cloverfield in terms of both tone and budget
To me, Cloverfield perfectly illustrates the problem I have with *all* of JJ Abrams’s work (that I’ve seen so far, with not a single exception): Interesting premise, good start, then they paint themselves into a corner and deliver a ho-hum resolution.
And yeah–who’d want to sign anything with Sony these days?
Can’t wait to read all about it on some hacker website!
No. Just no.
Not so fast, JJ.
TREK III CONFIRMEDZ (note this is a joke)
That’s why Sony is on board with this one, it’s about aliens, who inherently have no interest groups or hackers to tick off and threaten reprisals.
Kim Jong Un already gave the preliminary script two thumbs up!