No Quinto In Heroes Reborn
1 min readBad news for Sylar fans as Zachary Quinto has confirmed that he will not be appearing in Heroes Reborn.
“I’m thrilled that they’re doing [Heroes Reborn],” said Quinto. “I’m thrilled that Jack Coleman is going back to it.
“No, I’m not going to go back,” Quinto said. “I talked to them about it, and Tim [Kring] reached out to me when they decided they were going to do it. We had a great conversation.”
Quinto enjoyed his time as Sylar though. “It was such a meaningful experience for me,” he said. “I loved that job; I loved those people. I just felt like I didn’t want to go back to it. Tim was very, very understanding. He was very understanding and supportive.”
“I just felt like I need to cultivate other outlets for myself,” said Quinto.
Heroes Reborn will air this year.
Zachary Quinto was wonderful as Sylar — especially in Season 4, when he got to play both a sweet, innocent amnesiac and an evil, calculating Sylar in Matt’s head — but I can understand why he’d like to move on to other challenges.
Yea, he was always my favourite part of the show.
Mine, too!
With where they left the narrative, there is absolutely no reason to bring back the show without the Peter / Sylar (Nathan) dynamic. This is going to be a total waste. I was probably one of the biggest fans on the planet – this was the show that got me back into TV and led to a new love for serialized shows. All of Season 3B and 4 were following his character growth, from finding his father, to the humanizing agent of Nathan’s memories, and the years in mental prison where his new persona was forged. The entire show was his arc – and its return is pointless without him.
Mine too!
I’ve not seen more than one episode of HEROES, and have only seen Quinto in the first two nuTreks. I thought he was quite good in the first one, but rather disappointing in the second. I think he’s probably a very fine actor, and I wil root for him as a former fellow Pittsburgh, PA citizen. In fact, I’d rather live back “in the ‘Burgh” than out here in the desert southwest, but I’m stuck…and too old for another move, lol.
Will the real (Daniel Ireland), please stand up! (Extra points if you know from whence that statement came!)
I think Quinto does an excellent job with what they give him to play; my problems with NuTrek are with the scripts, not with the actors.
“Heroes” is variable; Season 1 was great, Season 2 was bad, Season 3 made no sense, and Season 4 was pretty good, but by that time most people had stopped watching. Zachary Quinto consulted with the writers and gave them a huge amount of backstory he’d made up for his character, much of which the writers actually incorporated into the scripts and used on the show. A lot of the second half of Season 3 and all of Season 4 is about fleshing out Sylar’s character and showing us how he came to be what he is. Quinto did an absolutely stunning job with that, showing us a shy, geeky Sylar, a confused, dazed Sylar, a psychopathic, evil Sylar, an explosive, feral Sylar, a remorseful, guilty Sylar … I swear that man can play anything at all.
Maybe they plan on introducing a new character as interesting as Sylar… or trying to at least.
The game show or the Eminem song? Judging by his maturity level, I’m willing to be the impostor was born after the latter was released
I was impressed with him in ST09, but you’ve convinced me to watch a few episodes if they’re free online.
I was thinking of the game show (the CBS version w/Bud Collyer hosting from 1956-68). Damn, I’m old.
Son, don’t be such a cunt
quinto was brilliant as sylar but his character was allowed to overwhelm the show to its detriment.
glad he is not coming back. except when he returns as spock of course.
Have fun!
The show kind of loses direction after a while but most of the characters were interesting enough to keep me watching. Also, Michael Dorn, Nichelle Nichols, and George Takei make appearances!
Sylar definitely made the show. Given it’s only a 13 episode mini-series it really is a shame that he doesn’t want to come back for it. It’s not a multi-season commitment. Leads me to hope he doesn’t thinks he’s bigger than that show now, but it’s probably a mixture of scheduling conflicts with The Slap and him feeling 13 episodes wasn’t enough to give Sylar enough of a good story arc. I just finished watching the whole series and though it has some poor elements (Maya/Alejandro, Monica, Emma) it’s entertaining enough to enjoy it all the way through. Viewing it again made me miss it and wish it didn’t get cancelled. Season 4 was really falling into stride with deeper character development, but alas, it was too late.
The sad part is that the series was left in the perfect place to complete a 5 year story, coming full circle with all sorts of parallel themes and develeopment, but I’m not sure the writers even *realized* it….
3B ende with Sylar confronting his father – a serial killer like him – and deciding to be *better then that.* Ominously, he left his dying father, Samson Gray, with a tease – the story of the regenerating cheerleader.
4 ends with Claire outing herself on TV for the entire world. Am I the only person that can imagine Samson watching that news report…. smiling evilly… and TKing somethiing…. before a cut to black…. maybe as a flashback, in the middle of an unfolding mystery… as a reformed Sylar is blamed for a string of murders that match his old MO exactly…. while his father is hunting, powering up for the confrontation to come…… Angela and Claire would never accept him (made worse by his owndership of Nate’s memories..)…. and Parkman could go really dark in vengeance. Sylar would be trying to stay straight with the world against him and Peter being the only one to have his back. I had a whole outline drawn up at one point, but that was years ago lol.
It was only the first half of S3 that made no sense, and that was because the writer’s strike destroyed all the set up they were doing in S2 – S2 never got to realize itself or fulfill any of the plot threads it had laid down.
Will do! Thanks!