September 18 2024


An archive of Star Trek News

Takei Calls For Boycott

2 min read


Star Trek‘s George Takei is calling for a boycott of Indiana.

The reason for Takei’s anger is because of a bill, SB101, recently passed in the state.

According to the bill, “state and local government cannot substantially burden a person’s religion, including if that burden stems from a rule, unless the government has a ‘compelling interest’ and it is the ‘least restrictive’ means of doing so.”

This could mean that service could be denied on the basis of religious grounds. Say that a baker did not agree with gay marriage because of his religious beliefs; according to the interpretation of this bill, he could not be forced to sell a wedding cake to a gay couple who came into his business.

Those supporting SB101 believe that it “protects fundamental religious rights,” but opponents believe that it will “legalize discrimination,” especially against same-sex couples.

“I am outraged that Governor Pence would sign such a divisive measure into law,” said Takei. “He has made it clear that LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) couples, like Brad and me, are now unwelcome in his state. The notion that this bill was not driven by animus (hostility) against our community is belied by the record and frankly insulting.

“I will join many in demanding that socially responsible companies withdraw their business, conferences and support from his state and that LGBTs and our friends and supporters refuse to visit or do business with Indiana. It is a sad day for the Hoosier state, and indeed for the many good people of Indiana, for whom this law now stands as a terrible blight upon that state’s reputation.”

“The legislation, SB 101, is about respecting and reassuring Hoosiers that their religious freedoms are intact,” said Pence. “I strongly support the legislation and applaud the members of the General Assembly for their work on this important issue.”

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315 thoughts on “Takei Calls For Boycott

  1. “If Takei is for that, then he can kiss my ass” Careful what you wish for! 😉

  2. I don’t care if they were born that way or not, it’s wrong to force a business owner to make a product that they don’t want to make. Period.

  3. It’s a power trip. All they want is to get some time in the spot light and to force their beliefs on people that they know disagree with them. It’s really nothing more than a power trip.

  4. It’s bigoted to tell someone that their religious beliefs need to change or they will be run out of business or jailed.

  5. I’m sorry but it’s not the same as race at all. Most religions in the world (Christian, Judaism, and Islam to name three big ones) excplicitly list homosexuality as a serious sin. To force business owners that prescribe to one of the said religions to change their sacred beliefs because you aren’t willing to go to another store that will be more than willing to serve your needs, is bigoted. These gay couples that are targeting Christian business owners are attacking them because of their religion. That’s the clearest example of bigotry I’ve ever heard of on par with what the Nazis did to the Jews.

  6. I lost respect for him years ago. It’s one thing to come out of the closet but it’s something else entirely when you start to try to force acceptance onto people that have religious objections. And it’s not like Christianity is some obscure religion that was just recently started by a bunch of Star Wars fans or something. It’s been around for 2000 years and this campaign by the gay activists is religious bigotry to the core and nothing more.

  7. Indiana was the 1980s battleground of Ryan White, the teenager barred from attending public school because he had AIDS. Gay activists took up White’s cause even though White isn’t known to have been gay himself. But how do you boycott a U.S. state? Over the years the gay advocacy has developed a tunnel vision where it no longer cooperates with other civil rights groups and where it demands irrational efforts from its sympathizers. Wal-Mart will gladly bake the wedding cake to help put the local merchant out of business without this law, which may never see enforcement as it is to be the subject of a constitutional challenge. Lt. Sulu’s dear friend Mr. Spock wouldn’t have wasted time on this illogic.

  8. It used to be that homosexuals wanted our understanding and tolerance. Over the years they’ve gotten that, for the most part. Now they feel the rush of tolerance and they’re steamrolling for your subjugation. Make no mistake. This is nothing more than gays bullying businesses that they target on purpose. IF someone doesn’t want to do business with you why would you want to “force” them to take your money? That is ludicrous. This is all about bullying these Christian owned businesses and forcing them to shut down if they don’t support gay values. Toleranceunderstandingcompassion is a two way street. Agree to disagree. Then go to another business that is happy to do business with you. Instead gays want to use the internet to gang up on people, carry the clout of celebrities and the like, and force people to do something they morally object to. That’s evil, imho. These Christian owned businesses didn’t go out of their way to pick a fight with gays, but the gays did go out of their way to start something with these businesses. Why? Because gays are just as bigoted, hard hearted, prejudiced, bullies as they accuse others of being. Jus’ Sayin’

  9. Personally, I agree with the man who, when he signed the federal version
    of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, said, “We are a people of
    faith. We have been so secure in that faith that we have enshrined in
    our Constitution protection for people who profess no faith. And good
    for us for doing so. That is what the first amendment is all about. But
    let us never believe that the freedom of religion
    imposes on any of us some responsibility to run from our convictions.
    Let us instead respect one another’s faiths, fight to the death to
    preserve the right of every American to practice whatever convictions he
    or she has, but bring our values back to the table of American
    discourse to heal our troubled land.”–President Bill Clinton (1993).

  10. Got another one for ya: Lesbian Vs. Muslim in a “Human Rights” Grudge
    Match! in Canada. So a lesbian walks into a Muslim barbershop, and asks for a “businessmen’s haircut”.

    It sounds like the beginning of a joke, but it really happened, and now
    a government agency called the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario will
    hear her complaint. He follows Shariah law, so he thinks women have
    cooties. As Mahrouk and the other barbers there say, they don’t believe
    in touching women other than their own wives. So he’s a mindless
    religious bigot too, eh?And I predict that Muslim activists — not quiet
    barbers like Mahrouk, but professional Muslim busybodies — will start
    using human rights commissions more and more to push their way into
    places where they have no legal right, but where the human rights
    commissions are more than happy to engineer things for them, if they
    complain loud enough.

    If I were a gay activist, I’d probably want to declare victory and shut down these human rights commissions right now.

    In five years time, it won’t be gay activists forcing themselves into
    Christian B&Bs. It’ll be Muslim activists vetoing the gay pride
    parade. After all, Sharia Law does not look kindly on gays and you don’t
    want to be a bigot against Muslims and be accused of “Islamophobia” now
    do you? 🙂

    They settled out of court because neither of them could figure out who had the bigger Politically incorrect “offense”.

  11. Wow! I guess you missed the part about discriminating against the business owners! Or Christians. Neither of which are Politically Correct though…:)
    So in your world no one is allowed to refuse any customers for any
    reason because if they do they are automatically bigots. So you have no
    freedom if you own a business, eh, at least not when it comes to the
    Politically Correct Bullies.
    Now that’s celebrating Diversity and Tolerance, for sure. 🙂

  12. But you have the right to use your Gay-fascist beliefs on everyone else. (I made that term up just so you’d understand it since you shout in mindless talking points).

  13. This is the Human Rights Education Association’s definition of slavery:

    “To be a slave is to be controlled by another person or persons so that
    your will does not determine your life’s course, and rewards for your
    work and sacrifices are not yours to claim.” so if you own a business
    and have no choice but to serve any customer no matter what your will
    to determine your own course of life your own? Or does it belong to
    GAY, LGBT Lawyers who ruin your business because their client was
    After all, disagree with a “gay activist” and automatically by default that makes you a bigot because Liberals don’t debate, they just attack you until you do thinks their way. No extremism there. That’s the American Way- Do it my way or else!:)

  14. And I bet you’re proud of that. Ruined a person’s livelihood for your own narcissistic agenda.
    Gee, were the only wedding cake make in the state?
    Feeling morally superior now that you’ve ruined someone’s life?

  15. But since they are the sanctimonious and on the side of the righteous if they bully you, sue you, ruin you, it’s because you’re evil and deserve it. (sarcasm for those who don’t understand it)


    This is the Human Rights Education Association’s definition of slavery:
    “To be a slave is to be controlled by another person or persons so that
    your will does not determine your life’s course, and rewards for your
    work and sacrifices are not yours to claim.”

    So if you own a business and have no choice but to serve any customer no matter what your will
    to determine your own course of life is it your own? Or does it belong to
    GAY, LGBT Lawyers who ruin your business because their client was
    After all, disagree with a “gay activist” and automatically by default that
    makes you a bigot because Liberals don’t debate, they just attack you
    until you do things their way. No extremism there. That’s the American
    Way- Do it my way or else!:)

  17. Any government enforced right to refuse to engage in business with a person because of what they look like, what they believe, or whom they love is simply legally sanctioned intolerance. And not in keeping with the inclusive future Trek hopes for. So yes, bakers who don’t want to sell their cakes to everyone – even you – should go into another line of work.

  18. Strange, I seem to remember seeing a sign in every business I have ever been in that says “We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone”.

  19. You seem to be forgetting the sign on the wall of every business “We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone”. No further explanation needed.

  20. So says the tyrants. Perhaps you would feel better living in iran? Oh wait, they stone and hang gays. So tell me, if someone decides they don’t like pictures of chicks on rockets, would you have the same reaction? Or what if someone is offended by your favorite computer company, or car company? Because at the rate we’re going, nothing will be legal because everyone these days seems to be offended by something. Personally, I’m offended a couple of gays, who are a miniscule part of the population, can FORCE someone to do something against their will or that person will lose their livelihood. But of course, being a straight white taxpaying verteran, what offends me is of no concern to the current power that be. I seem to remember another group in recent history that dictated what was cool and what wasn’t. Can’t remember the name. Started an “N”. Point being, the gays could have simply gone to a baker that bakes for twinkies, but they decided to enforce the tyranny of the minority

  21. Just saying, that’s usually how it works more than not. People are more likely to take up causes around injustices that affect those in their particular demographic. Of course, some critic has to come along and say that makes the activist indifferent to a more serious injustice (in the critic’s opinion). Not at all.

  22. Discrimination against anyone for any reason is not a “value”. Therefore, there are no “values” to be intolerant of.

  23. When churches are being burned to the ground. Which is happening more often in the Middle East than in the United States.

  24. The gays are more bigoted than those attack, without question. I’ve seen so many examples of them threatening violence against those they disagree with that I’ve lost count. There’s also plenty of examples of them actually committing violence. Put simply, the gays are becoming what they used to fight against, a bully.

  25. Dusty Ayres, you sound like an agent of this “gay mafia” you claim doesn’t exist and a LGBT Nazi sympathizer to boot.

    I move that Dusty Ayres be banned from all Disqus and BBS forums.

  26. I am a science fiction fan and a concerned citizen of North America setting the truth straight, sir, and am not an agent of the so-called and non-existent ‘gay Mafia’. If you don’t like what I have to say (and I’m not alone), that’s your problem.

  27. He’s a hell of a lot more classy than the bigots spewing their bullshit far and wide for all to see (and enshrining it in law in one state.)

  28. Actually, I’d say that GLBT people are a lot more of the population than bigots like you realize.

  29. Basically this new law says, “you will tolerate my bigotry.” Mind-boggling.

  30. Not germain to this situation. You’re posting about something people can’t help, which is their color. We’re talking about a behavior

  31. Also, notably, a private citizen does not yield their first amendment rights by going into business or acting in a public place, so streets and roads and taxes are really immaterial to the discussion.

  32. Like many liberals, what you believe to be fact and what is actually true are two different things. The latest census states that 2-3% of the population is gay. I know it seems like 80% of the population Is gay thanks to the media and the extra loud squealing from the gay activists every time there is a perceived slight, but it is 2-3%.

  33. I suggest you check stats that aren’t the ones you usually check, sir; I’ll bet that there are a lot of gay people nationwide, and that most of them will be against this bill and will boycott this state.

  34. Takei has become the same ridiculous type of person like German women’s rights activist Alice Schwarzer. These folks have only one topic they can talk about, over time it turns them into a running joke because you can predict when they are going to speak up and what they are going to say. You become completely unable to take them serious, and that’s the problem. Okay, Takei can talk about his one-sided feud with Shatner, but that’s the only alternative he can offer. And to be honest – the only place where he might raise awareness is inside the Trek Fandom. Outside of Trek he is more or less a nobody, whose remarks don’t get noticed.

  35. Oh, really? Could you please give us a proof, that it’s not true? I really would like to know how you can make such claims.

  36. Once more, those are US government numbers from the last census. You wishing the numbers to be higher to support your position doesn’t make it so

  37. I have to agree from the bottom of my heart. I sometimes get the feeling that some folks consider being gay/lesbian is cool, and that’s why they become interested in the same sex. Either that or mankind is on its way to extinction – when more and more people become homosexual, less children are born. The birth rate decreases, and more and more of these kids turn out to be gay, even less children are born … and so on, until the last gay man and the last lesbian are the only survivors of mankind – and since generations have gone by they have no idea how to make a baby … the END

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