January 9 2025


An archive of Star Trek News

Takei Museum Fundraiser In Progress

2 min read


A new Indiegogo fundraiser by George Takei will help the Japanese American National Museum.

Takei seeks to raise $250,000 in the fundraiser.

“As an actor and an activist, it has been my life’s mission to tell the incredible story of the thousands of families who endured the Japanese American Internment during World War II,” said Takei. “The upcoming Broadway musical Allegiance and the Japanese American National Museum (JANM) are the intersection of my art and activism. Inspired by my life experiences and those of internees like me, the show celebrates the triumph of the human spirit in the face of adversity. I consider it my ‘Legacy Project,’ and I’ve come up with a way for the JANM to be a part of it. But I need your help.”

Takei explained where the money raised by the campaign would go. “Typically, a show gets to Broadway with funding by a group of producers and investors,” he said. “Allegiance‘s producers have accepted my call to action for crowdfunding, with a minimum goal of $250,000, but with the potential for much more. The contributions here will act as if they had been invested by the JANM. The show will assign a proportional percentage of its profits to the museum, creating a source of funding for it in perpetuity.

“The museum, Allegiance, and I share the same mission: to tell stories that educate and ensure that we never forget, and never repeat, the tragedy of the Japanese American internment. By giving today, your dollar is helping Allegiance get to Broadway this fall and helping create a new endowment for the museum, a permanent source of revenue for this wonderful institution.”

The campaign started on March 20 and will run through May 19. Already $157,000 has been raised, three-fifths of the goal of the campaign.

To find out more about the campaign and/or to donate, head to the link located here.

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