Wheaton Joins Powers
1 min read
Wil Wheaton has signed up for a role in Sony‘s PlayStation Network‘s second season of Powers.
Powers is a comic book TV show about “policing in a superhero-infested world.” It “follows the lives of two homicide detectives, played by Sharlto Copley (District 9) and Susan Heyward (The Following), who are assigned to investigate cases involving people with extraordinary abilities.”
Details aren’t available about the character, which is said to be “exciting, mysterious, and powerful,” according to Brian Michael Bendis, one of the creators of Powers, and the executive producer of the show.
“All the specific details are locked down with an NDA,” said Wheaton, “but I start work soon, and I’ll hopefully be able to share some things from the set once I settle in, like who is directing my first episode (someone I’ve been dying to work with for decades!).”
Season Two of Powers is currently in production and will debut next year.