Wheaton In Costume At New Star Wars Film
1 min read
The new Star Wars film is out, and Wil Wheaton decided to channel his inner child by appearing in costume for the movie.
“Oh, and I went in costume for the first time ever, because I am a damn adult and I get to decide what that means,” he said, via his Twitter account.
But Wheaton didn’t dress up as a Star Wars character. He donned a gold command Star Trek shirt.
Wheaton had worn a blue sciences/medical Trek shirt while attending a Star Wars movie in a 2015 episode of The Big Bang Theory. When challenged by Star Wars fans in the episode, he told them to “live long and suck it!”
So what did Wheaton think about the The Last Jedi? “I loved [it]!” he said. “It hit all the right notes for me, and seeing it in the Chinese Theater, surrounded by my fellow nerds was glorious. The Force was with us.”