Star Trek 4: Multiple Scripts?
1 min read
When it comes to Star Trek 4, much of the talk has been about a Quentin Tarantino R-rated script, but that might not be the only script being considered, according to Simon Pegg.
“There’s a script that’s been written,” said Pegg, referring to one written by Pegg and Doug Jung, “and there’s also the story of Quentin Tarantino coming and chatting with J.J. [Abrams] about an idea that he’s had for a long time.
“That idea is going into the writer’s room to be looked at. I think it might take something like him to restart it. It’s an interesting proposition, although I don’t know if that means everybody will be blowing each other’s heads off with phasers and calling Klingons mother fuckers, but, who knows, that could be fun.”
One story possibility discussed a while back was a time-travel story involving George Kirk (Captain Kirk’s father), played by Chris Hemsworth.
It is not uncommon in the early stages of a movie to have different ideas discussed and to have multiple scripts. Hopefully, sooner or later, a script will be chosen and production on a new Star Trek movie will begin.