Star Trek Online: Rise of Discovery Code Giveaway- UPDATED
1 min read
Star Trek Online and TrekToday will be giving away new codes to celebrate the release of Rise of Discovery.
Before we begin, two things need to be said. First, these codes are for PC only. Secondly, any duplicate emails will result in both emails being deleted.
So what can you win? One of ten codes for a Command Dreadnought Cruiser Bundle, worth $50; or one of fifty codes for the Discovery Starter Pack, worth $15 each.
In the Command Dreadnought Cruiser Bundle will be: Buran Command Dreadnought Cruiser (T6), Qoj Command Dreadnought Cruiser (T6), a fleet ship module and five master keys.
The Discovery Starter Pack includes: a Walker-Class Prototype Light Exploration Cruiser, twelve additional inventory slots, 1x large (150,000 Experience Bonus Pool, Discovery-era Phaser Sniper Rifle, Discovery-era Phaser Stun Bolt Pistol, Tardigrade Vanity Pet.
So here’s how to get one of the codes. First, be sure to tell me whether you want one of the codes, or both. If you don’t do that, I will discard the email. Secondly, please remember this is for P.C. only. Finally, the deadline will be Friday, May 31st at midnight, EST. Any entry received after this will be discarded. The email for the giveaway is:
Good luck!
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The ten winners of the bundles and the winners of the starter packs are on either Facebook or Twitter. I’ve notified everyone. Don’t forget to check your spam folders too!