For Walter Koenig, writing The Infinite Vulcan was an often frustrating process. Although Koenig wasn't included in the voice work...
In the early 1970s, twenty-two episodes of an animated Star Trek series aired Saturday mornings on NBC and Hal Sutherland...
A recent comment on Rachel Nichols's Twitter account indicates that she will not be returning for the G.I. Joe sequel....
William Shatner provided the voiceover as Alexander Courage's original series theme song woke up the crew of STS-133 Discovery this...
Star Trek Online Executive Producer Dan Stahl answered almost three dozen questions regarding future plans for the MMORPG recently. Some...
One of the more appealing charms of William Shatner is his sense of humor, and as Shatner ages, he's not...
Author Dayton Ward shared his thoughts on the state of the Star Trek universe after the events of the Destiny...
Rick Berman answered more fan questions about his time working on various Star Trek series. The questions in the second...
Star Trek fans needing a robe to go over their Federation jammies are in luck, with the announcement of a...
In the first part of a two-part interview, Rick Berman answered several questions regarding his involvement with Star Trek. Question...
Even though he is a producer on Star Trek XII, J.J. Abrams has yet to see the script for the...
According to a source "close to the production" which spoke with Screenrant, Paramount executives plan on opening their wallets when...
In spite of his Hollywood success, William Shatner still feels an actor's insecurity when it comes to his career. Shatner...
Fans of the Mondo Star Trek posters will be pleased to hear that a new one, based on one of...
There will be six conventions, shows or appearances in March and April that feature Trek actors of interest to Star...