Although X-Men: First Class won't debut for another five months, details on the first theatrical trailer are rumored to have...
George Takei, the original series' Sulu, has joined the Nickelodeon channel's Supah Ninjas. Supah Ninjas is a comedy about three...
In the quarter century that he was worked in Hollywood, his time on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and then...
A Star Trek-themed apartment battled a mold and fungus war which was caused by heat and humidity from another tenant's...
Star Trek Online has won five "Best of 2010" award from the Massively MMO blog, beating out such games as...
Walking into an audition can end up deflating the ego of an actor, as Chris Pine found out during one...
After more than a dozen attempts to land a Star Trek role, J.G. Hertzler scored by thinking outside of the...
Actress Olivia Wilde (House) joins Welcome to People, written by Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci (Star Trek XI), and Jody...
In the second part of her interview with Star, Nana Visitor talks about her current work, thoughts about Kira...
There will be three conventions, shows or appearances in January and February that feature Trek actors of interest to Star...
A new comic series, in which Zombies invade the universes of Ghostbusters, GI Joe, Star Trek and Transformers, will be...
Trek Radio has joined a "growing number of websites and groups that are currently part of the Federation Network," according...
Although Nana Visitor had no intention of falling in love with Alexander Siddig, when it happened she realized it was...
Grant McCune, known to Star Trek fans for his visual effects work on Star Trek: The Motion Picture, passed away...
Chris Hemsworth, best-known to Star Trek fans for portraying George Kirk, father of James T. Kirk, has married his longtime...