Fans looking forward to the third installment of the Harold and Kumar series, with John Cho as Harold Lee, will...
Leonard Nimoy, best-known to Star Trek fans as the original Spock, will attend ten different conventions this year, but then...
Fans of both Star Trek and zombies will be happy with the news that Quirk Books, publisher of Pride and...
Now that Star Trek: Online is out, it's time for the developers to use the feedback from the players to...
Fans who haven't yet picked up their copy of Star Trek: Online, now's the time to head to, where...
Family and friends gathered together Saturday to celebrate the life of Andrew Koenig, son of Walter (Chekov) and Judy Koenig....
William Shatner is the spokesperson for a new Sci-Fi social network called MyOuterSpace. MyOuterSpace seeks creative people with a passion...
For the first time ever, Star Trek has won an Academy Award. In one of four categories for which it...
The three-person makeup crew for Star Trek XI were nominated for an Oscar for their work, but are quick to...
Star Trek: Online, the new MMORPG released last month, has added a new Federation ship to its game. The Trident,...
Tomorrow, the 82nd Annual Academy Awards will be held and Star Trek fans wait to see if one of the...
Mission: Impossible IV will be a jet-setting movie, says J.J. Abrams. Abrams and Tom Cruise plan to set the newest...
Rachel Nichols, Star Trek XI's Orion Gaila, will be joining Marcus Nispel's Conan. Nichols, who played Scarlett in last year's...
Jeri Ryan, best known to Star Trek fans as Star Trek: Voyager's Seven of Nine, has been cast in ABC's...
A ten minute behind-the-scenes "making of" documentary featurette reel for Star Trek: The Motion Picture has been posted to YouTube....