Hanelle Culpepper, who directed Discovery's Vaulting Ambition and will direct episode ten of the third season of the show, has...
Cast & Crew
Star Trek: The Next Generation's LeVar Burton has won an award for his "tireless, decades-long dedication to children's literacy and...
Tonight on Star Trek: Discovery, we will see our first appearance of Ethan Peck as Spock. The actor spoke about...
Six new photos have been released ahead of this week's Star Trek: Discovery episode titled Light and Shadows. This will...
Morgan Woodward, best known for his role as the enigmatic Boss Godfrey in Cool Hand Luke, is dead at the...
Ten promotional photos from episode six of Star Trek: Discovery, The Sound of Thunder, have been released from CBS All...
Last Friday, William Shatner made his Grand Ole Opry debut, appearing along with Jeff Good of Alabama. In the performance,...
Star Trek: Discovery aired its fifth episode of Season Two and several of the actors from last night's episode speak...
Wilson Cruz and Anthony Rapp spoke about inclusiveness and Season Two in an interview with Marie Moore of Eurweb. Mild...
In an interview on Larry King Now, Sonequa Martin-Green spoke about Star Trek, including the various shows in progress, and...
Sacramento's Parks Commission will rename two parks; one after LeVar Burton, and one after Ali Youssefi. Richfield Park in Meadowview...
New photos from this week's Star Trek: Discovery episode, Saints of Imperfection, were released by CBS All Access earlier today....
Although Star Trek 4 seems dead in the water, Zachary Quinto hasn't yet given up hope of its being made....
Sir Patrick Stewart, while making the rounds in the UK to promote his latest movie, The Kid Who Would Be...
On Saturday night, the Star Trek: Discovery art department was in Toronto, Canada, for a special one-night presentation hosted by...