Two comics featuring Star Trek movies including Star Trek XI and Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan are available...
Star Trek Magazine #29 will arrive both in stores and online tomorrow, and included in this issue will be an...
Issue six of the Star Trek Movie Adaptation comic from IDW Publishing arrives in stores today and fans can have...
IDW Publishing's Publisher/Editor-in-Chief Chris Ryall has updated his blog, with a picture of the Khan plushie doll to be offered...
October will be a busy month for Star Trek comics, with four titles being offered for eager comic readers. Fans...
September will see the release of two new Star Trek comics, and in October, fans of Khan will see a...
Tomorrow, Star Trek: Burden of Knowledge #1 will arrive in stores, but readers can have a sneak peek at the...
Two new Star Trek comics will be released in September; Star Trek: Burden of Knowledge #4, and Star Trek: Captain's...
On June 15, The International Federation of Trekkers (IFT) will launch their new website, and part of their relaunch includes...
For Star Trek fans who prefer to read their magazines online or on the iPad, the official Star Trek Magazine...
Star Trek fans are now able to read their favorite Star Trek comics on the BlackBerry. Beginning this week, BlackBerry...
IDW Publishing's Star Trek: McCoy #2 comic has arrived in stores, but fans can have a quick preview before purchasing...
A preview of the Star Trek: Captain's Log: Harriman comic has been made available for Star Trek comic fans. Fans...
Federation Communicator magazine, the official publication of the International Federation of Trekkers, will debut in June. According to a press...
The Star Trek Movie Adaptation #3 comic, due out on April 28 from IDW Publishing, will feature the first meeting...