A mysterious woman offers to provide Jake with inspiration for his stories. Meanwhile, Odo tries to protect a pregnant Lwaxana...
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
When Jennifer Sisko lures Jake into her alternate universe, Benjamin follows his son into the war between the Alliance and...
O'Brien has memories of a twenty-year prison term implanted into his brain by aliens and has trouble readjusting to life...
Sisko represents Worf at a hearing to determine whether the latter is guilty of savagely destroying a Klingon civilian ship....
A Bajoran poet who disappeared 200 years previously comes out of the wormhole claiming to be the Emissary. (more…)
Quark's employees, led by his brother Rom and Dabo girl Leeta, form a union and go on strike. Meanwhile, Worf...
Kurn, an outcast among Klingons because of Worf's behavior, asks his brother to perform a ritual execution so that he...
Demoted because of his half-Bajoran daughter, Dukat asks for Kira's assistance in regaining his place as a leader on Cardassia....
When Shakaar, who is now First Minister of Bajor, arrives on the station and begins to court Kira, Odo finds...
Sisko returns to Earth in the face of mounting evidence that changelings may have infiltrated the planet and caused sweeping...
When several crewmembers are trapped inside Bashir's malfunctioning spy holonovel, he must find a way to keep their characters alive...
Kor convinces Worf and Dax to accompany him on a search for the mythical weapon of the great Klingon leader,...
A battle with the Jem'Hadar strands the Defiant in the atmosphere of a planet, leaving several crewmembers near death. (more…)
While taking Nog to Starfleet Academy, Quark's contraband causes a temporal rift that puts him, his brother and nephew on...
When Jadzia falls in love with the current host of the symbiont once joined to a previous Dax host's wife,...